Chapter 5

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Halley's POV

I woke up and noticed that I was on the couch wit Marianna, so I quietly got up and went to the kitchen and saw Lena sitting at the table

Lena: good morning love

Halley: good morning, Is Hayden home yet?

Lena: she's still in the hospital, she was really sick so the doctors are going to keep her their until she is feeling better

Halley: I didn't know she was sick

Lena: she has some infections on her arms the doctors are making better

Halley: am I going to be split up from Hayden?

Lena: never, you two are going to stay together no matter what, should we go wake Marianna up and go to the hospital to see Hayden?

Halley: yeah!!

I went with Lena back to the living room to wake Marianna up

Lean: Halley go and pull the blanket off of her

Halley: ok!

Marianna: 5 more minutes

Lena: I guess your too tired to go shopping then too

Marianna: I'm up!!

Lena: that's what I thought go get dressed both of you we are going to go get Hayden a gift then we are going to go see her mom and Callie. Halley go ahead and go up Mari will be there in a few minutes

Marianna's POV

Marianna: how is Hayden mama?

Lena: she's ok the doctor wants to keep her for a few days just to make sure she's ok

Marianna: what happened?

Lena: they found cigrette burns on both of her arms, several of them are infected

Marianna: who would do that to someone you are supposed to protect

Lena: I don't know Mari

Marianna: are you and mom going to keep them?

Lena: we want to

Marianna: it would be nice to have 2 younger sisters

Lena: you say that now, go upstairs and get ready we are leaving in 10

I went upstairs to get changed after I was changed I went into Hayden and Halley's room

Marianna: hey Halley are you ready?

Halley: no, Hayden would always do my hair and she's not here

Marianna: I can do it for you?

Halley: you will?

Marianna: of course I will, did any of your foster mom's do your or Hayden's hair?

Halley: no, they said they didn't have time so Hayden would do it

Marianna: how would you like your hair done?

Halley: can you braid

Marianna: I sure can do you want one braid or two?

Halley: 2 please

I sat on the bed and Halley sat on the floor in front of me. I was finishing the second braid when mama came in

Lena: are you 2 ready to go?

Marianna: yep

Halley: look Lena Marianna did my hair

Lena: it looks really nice

Halley: thank you Marianna

Marianna: your welcome, you know mama I could get used to having a little sister around, I always wanted one

Lena: I know you did, you would leave notes for mom and I that you wanted us to bring home a baby sister for you

Halley: you did?

Marianna: yeah and after that didn't work I tried to get them to get us a dog

Halley: did you get a dog?

Marianna: no

Halley: Hayden said that maybe one day when we find a forever family we might get a dog, but we haven't been in a home long enough to get one

Lena: let's get in the car and head to the hospital, Mari have you talked to Jesus?

Marianna: not since yesterday afternoon

Lena: will you text him and ask him to call me or you please?

Marianna: sure

Lena: then can you text Brandon the same thing

Marianna: what about Jude?

Lena: mom said that Callie was going to call him this morning

Marianna: ok

after I sent a text to Jesus and Brandon Jesus called me

Marianna: hello

Jesus: hey Mari  up

Marianna: well it's a long story but mom and mama took in 2 girls yesterday, they are Callie and Jude's little sisters Hayden and Halley

Jesus: I didn't know they had little sisters 

Marianna: niether did mom,mama or me

Jesus: are they ok?

Marianna: that's what I am calling you about, Callie and I got here last night and while Callie and Hayden where talking Hayden started saying she couldn't breath so mom took her to the hospital and the doctor wants to keep her for a few days

Jesus: what's the matter with her

Marianna: I'm not sure yet, but I will text you

Lena: ask your brother when he is able to come home

Marianna: did you hear mama

Jesus: yeah, I will leave in about an hour and will be there soon

Marianna: ok I'll tell mama

Jesus: I'll see you soon

Marianna: Jesus said he will leave in about an hours

Lena: ok

Lena's POV

shortly after Marianna hung up with Jesus Brandon called me

Lena: hey B

Brandon: Hey what's going on?

Lena: yesterday mom and I got a phone call asking if we could take in 2 girls Hayden and Halley, we decided to bring them home, we found out that Hayden and Halley are Callie and Jude's sisters, Callie and Marianna came home last night and when Callie started asking Hayden questions she started saying she couldn't breath, so mom took her to the hospital and the doctor is wanting to keep her for a few days just to monitor her

Brandon: there's more to it isn't there

Lena: yes

Brandon: will you or mom text me the rest?

Lena: of course B, When can you be home?

Brandon: I actually have the next 3 days off so I can head that way now

Lena: thank you B

after I got off the phone with Brandon I asked Marianna to text Brandon and Jesus, she already knew what I was wanting her to text them because she told me right away that it was done

Marianna: mama, mom text me

Lena: what did she say?

Marianna: callie talked to Jude and he is on his way and she want's to know if you told B and Jesus

Lena: tell mom that we just did and that we are on our way to the hospital now

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