Everything No One Could Explain

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He didn't seem real. As if he were made of everything we don't know about in the universe. He was everything no one could explain.


I, Kageyama Tobio, am the luckiest person in the world, to be able to love the sun, Hinata Shoyou, my sun, my light.
I'm the luckiest person in the world, knowing that the light of my life to loves me back, just as much.


Even though we play on different courts, even though we're opponents,
even though one must win and one must lose, at the end of the day I still love you, no matter what.

Even in the middle of our game right now, the first and last game that we'll play against each other before this playing season is over, I still remember everything.

How we met, I already fell for you the second I saw you jump, the moment I saw you fly in middle school. I wasn't aware of my own feelings until my later because I am an idiot, at least that's what you'd say.

That day, I won. It went like this, I remember everything like it was yesterday.

"If you're supposed to be the king who rules the court, I'm going to defeat you- and stay on the court the longest!" Hinata cried out, tears streaming down his face leaving trails of salt water behind.

I stood there for a moment stunned by you, before responding with, "Only the winner gets to stay on the court. Only the strong. If you want to stay in the tournament, get better at it."

The wind blew gently, swaying their hair ever so slightly, the sun setting, showning a beautiful yellow-orange hue over them.

I turned away and that was our goodbye.
What we didn't know, is that our 'goodbye' wouldn't last long, only until the first day of high school.

As I bounced the volley ball in the gym, spun it once in my hands, throwing it up, I jump, ready to hit my jump serve with until I hear a little voice coming from my left.

"Wh-Why are you here?!"

I was shocked, but honestly kind of relived in a way for some reason. Seeing you again made my heart feel lighter and my stomach have temporary butterflies. I didn't know why, I though I was sick. Now I realize it was just love. My everlasting love for you.

After months of play in games with you, being on your side of the court,
we were stubborn for sure, but we had great teammates, ones that guided us, telling us, "He is no longer you're greatest enemy, but your greatest ally!"

I convinced myself it they were right, it didn't take much convincing since it was a true fact anyways.

I knew that fact so well, to the point of when you were feeling unsure, I could poudly tell you,

"As long as I'm here, you're invincible!"

I'm sure you knew it too, to the point of when you told me the exact same thing.

I can still hear you calling me 'Bakayama' that stupid name from high school that I told you I hated. Turns out I only realized how much I loved it when you said it for the final time.

I remember it all so vividly, probably because I remember everything we've done since the moment it happened.

I especially remember the day we became boyfriends. Both of our first relationships wasted on each other, but that sacrifice was not in vain, it was the best thing that ever happened to me. To us.

Our stupid little cliche confession went like this, I remember thinking;

He is absolutely amazing. His eyes were beautiful beyond compare- so was everything else about him. And so much more, so much.
And he was everything no one could explain.

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