The new year.

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HAPPY NEW YEAR! I have a challange for all of you and also for me.

So I thought of this thing and i'm going to call it, "the yolo theory."

What it is is basically doing anything, but make sure that it's not something that will kill you. It can be as little as trying a new food or drink, going on a roller coaster. Anything.

My challange is: Do what you want. Don't be afraid. Just remember that you only live once. It's important to live your life, not to worry or be afraid.

I worry about everything and i'm always afraid. My whole life has been that way, i'm sick of it. That's why I thought of this. I want all of you to do it with me.

I'd also love to know the things that you do so comment or message me.

The first thing I did was, when I was in Florida we went to universal. My dad and I went on this thing that shoots you up like 70 feet in the air. I was really nervous but I did it. IT WAS SO COOL.

You should tell your friends and family about this.

Comment and tell me if you are going to do this.


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