Chapter 27

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The pounding in her skull brought Maxine back to reality.
The whole right side of her face ached and was swollen almost so much that she couldn't see out of her eye.
In her mouth there was the faint, metallic taste of blood.
Before even opening her eyes, she knew exactly where she was based on the sounds, smells, and position she was in.
She sat in a damp, dark, dirt floored cell somewhere in the mines with her wrists clamped above her head to the wall behind her.
The occasional Click click click of a pickaxe striking stone echoed from somewhere down and to the right of where she was now along with muffled talking and crackling fire.
Stale air filled with the stench of ash and urine floated into her nostrils and was so pungent she gagged.
Forcing back tears, Maxine opened her eyes and was met with the disgusting sight that was Cidhna Mine.
It was dark, damp, musty, and gloomy... so about as she would've expected. 
Her steel armor had been replaced with torn rags that had been poorly sown together and barely covered her. She guessed they had a shoe shortage since she was barefoot.
The lack of natural lighting made it impossible for her to determine what time it was but based on the lump on the back of her head and the dull ache in her temples she guessed she was out for a while.
"Great," she whispered to herself, "just great. Two days in Markarth, two days and I end up in prison."
Not just any prison too. The inescapable Cidhna Mine. 
A guard approached from the other side of the iron bars to her left. "You're finally awake! Talos! You've kept me waiting."
She stared at the guard, confused, until he removed his helmet and her eyes met Brynjolf's familiar green ones.
"Shhhh! Not so loud!"
From behind Brynjolf Weylyn trotted up to the door and stuck his muzzle through, whimpering.
"Don't worry Weylyn I'm okay."
Brynjolf removed a lock pick from under his disguise and began to fiddle with the lock. As he did he filled her in on what he'd been up to since her capture. "Sorry we took so long Lass. They jumped ya' too quick at the shrine and I figured fighting the guards wasn't a good idea so I followed them when they took you down here and borrowed a guards uniform."
Marrying a thief might've been the best Crystal ever made, for Maxine's sake.

After a quiet click the door opened and Brynjolf began to work on the locks on her shackles.
"Wait! What about Eltrys?"
He smiled. "Way ahead of you. I broke him out of his cell about an hour ago. He was in rough shape, but I think he'll be alright. I told him to meet us at an abandoned house in town. It should be safe there. Nobody's lived there since an incident that occurred a while ago involving the death of a priest."
After unlocking the shackles Brynjolf helped her to her feet.
"You feel good enough to walk?"
She gave it a try. "Yeah just a bit shaky."
Weylyn stepped up next to her and allowed her to place one of her hands on his back so he could lead and support her.
  "Let's go."
The room spun with her first few steps but Weylyn guided her and eventually, with every step, she grew stronger and could move on her own.
They made a quick stop the area where they kept confiscated items on the way out and retrieved her sword, shield and armor before ducking out of the cave.

It was dark when they got outside.
Clouds covered the moon and hampered it from shining upon the streets below.
Keeping to the shadows, they eventually made their way to the abandoned house Brynjolf had spoken of.
Once inside Weylyn lead Maxine to a soft fur rug on the floor on which she sat down.
Brynjolf left then returned with a cup of questionably potable water.
"Thanks." After drinking the water and pausing for a few moments to collect her bearings she peeled the dirty clothes off and donned her Stormcloak armor.
As she was sliding into her armor, she heard a familiar voice.
"No one escapes Cidhna Mine!"
Looking up she saw Eltrys in the doorway, wielding a wooden ladle like a sword and impersonating a guard.
He seemed to be okay, if not better than okay. The same fire and excitement that churned within him had returned and his face looked good as new.
"Eltrys! When I came to, I thought for sure you were dead."
"I did too," he said, swinging the ladle about as he spoke, "until your red headed friend came, busted me out then brought me here. Two healing potions later I'm back on my feet and ready to pick up where we left off!"
It warmed Max heart to see Eltrys both alive and still eager to get to the bottom of the mystery. Part of her feared that such wasn't possible. If the guards were in on the conspiracy than who knew how deep it ran. For all they knew, the Jarl could be in on it.
"But first let's eat. I've got some horker stew simmering in the kitchen."

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