6. Home to you

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"Appa!", Jimin shouts as he opens the door, shoes thrown carelessly in the entryway. Taehyung clicks his tongue and removes his own shoes, taking them both and keeping them nicely on the rack. He does the same with Jimin's shoes.

Though, it's a habit, Taehyung would argue he's doing it to make himself less nervous somehow. He's meeting his other dad after what? Eleven years? Yeah, he was five when they parted. He knows that much.

"Taehyung!", Jimin calls, snapping taehyung out of his thoughts. Taehyung wipes his sweaty palms on his jeans and gulps thickly. He slowly makes his way towards Jimin's living room, almost tearing up when he sees Jungkook smile sweetly at him.

"Hi", Jungkook offers, grinning big. Just like a bunny, dad would say. Taehyung thinks to himself and returns the smile. He wants to give a good first impression. "Hello, sir. I'm Kim Taehyung", he says and immediately grimaces. He was supposed to use a fake surname.

As expected, Jungkook's smile falters. "Dad, what happened?", Jimin asks, concerned. Jungkook shakes his head, smiling again but it's visibly a little strained. "Just... Your name is familiar to someone I used to know", he says sadly, looking directly at Taehyung.

Said boy bites down hard on in his lip, not wanting to cry. Despite his efforts, a traitorous tear slips past his left eye. He quickly wipes at it, chuckling a little dryly.
"I think something went into my eye", he says, faintly rubbing at his eye.

Jungkook quickly moves forward and catches his wrist, stopping him from doing it. "Don't do that. I think you should wash your eyes instead", he says gently. Taehyung breathes deeply, Jungkook's soft perfume evading his senses. He wants to hug him and never let go.

"Mimi", Jungkook then turns to Jimin. "Show him to the bathroom, yeah? I'll have your food prepared". Jimin sniffles a little but nods, following orders quickly. He has always been like that, following his Appa everywhere. His every word is for Jimin to worship.

It worries Jungkook sometimes. "He's too attached", his mother would say. Jungkook didn't think it was a bad thing until Jimin grew up. His habits didn't change. He would constantly seek for his approval.

Maybe that's why he chose to go with Jungkook when the judge asked him about his preference? He shakes his head. This isn't the time to mull over old things.

When Taehyung and Jimin come back, they take seats on the chairs Jungkook has laid out on the rooftop. It's nice out there. The stars aren't as bright as Taehyung has usually known them to be but it certainly isn't a turn off.

"So, Taehyung, tell me about yourself", Jungkook says with a smile. Jimin coughs a little. Taehyung stomps on his foot under the table. "I'm 16 and I live with my dad", he answers. Short and simple.

Jungkook furrows his brows. "Only you both?", he asks, his curiosity getting the best of him. Taehyung's eyes flicker to Jimin before he answers, "Yeah, my dad had a divorce when I was very young".

Something flashes in Jungkook's eyes, something like remorse and nostalgia. "Oh, I'm sorry", he says forlornly. Taehyung smiles, shaking his head. "It's fine", he says. That's a lie. It used to be fine once but not anymore. He's restless.

"Please excuse me", Jimin says quietly and stands up with his plate. Jungkook gives him a look but doesn't stop him.

That leaves the two of them.

"Jimin is a nice boy, uncle", Taehyung says, cringing at the salutation. Imagine calling your dad uncle? Yeah, Taehyung can relate. Jungkook smiles, picking up another piece of meat from the grill. He places it on Taehyung's plate.

"He is. I'm glad you're his friend. He only has one other friend", he sighs. Taehyung chuckles. "I think Hoseok is more than a friend, though", he comments. Jungkook smirks playfully. "I do, too".

Taehyung swallows around his food. "Are you okay with him being... you know", he says, shifting in his seat. He need to know some answers. There's no way he can do that by asking directly.

Jungkook raises an eyebrow. "You mean to ask whether I'm okay with him dating boys?", he asks for clarification. Taehyung nods. Jungkook shrugs. "I was married to a man, you know", he says easily.

Taehyung has to stop himself from blurting out something like, 'Oh, yeah, you were married to my dad. I know', because that would be very embarrassing.

"Was?", he says instead. Jungkook hums, eyes going all sad and tired. "We got divorced years ago", he says, voice barely above a whisper. Taehyung takes a deep breath. He can't cry. Not now.

"Oh", he says. Jungkook chuckles, it's a watery little sound. "Yeah, men suck", he jokes. Taehyung laughs at that. "I second that", he replies. Jungkook offers him a beautiful grin.

"You're an exception, though", he teases. Taehyung blushes. "That's because I'm not a man yet. I'm a boy", he insists, proudly patting his chest. Jungkook laughs softly. The squeakiness of his laugh is music to Taehyung's ears.

"Do you miss them?", Taehyung asks once the laughter dies down. "Hmm?", Jungkook hums, confused. Taehyung clears his throat. "Your ex partner, I mean", he clarifies. When Jungkook stays quiet, Taehyung panics. "I'm sorry if it's too personal".

Jungkook smiles sadly. "Yeah, I do. I miss them. Sometimes". Taehyung plays his chances, "Do you still love them?" Jungkook snaps his head up to look at him. Taehyung gulps. Okay, that was too much.

"Taehyung", Jungkook sighs. The sixteen years old doesn't want to stop, though. Not yet. "Do you?", he presses. "Uh huh", Jungkook answers without delay, chuckling. He sounds so pitiful, Taehyung wants to hug him.

"What are you talking about?", Jimin suddenly comes out of nowhere, beaming with enthusiasm. Jungkook rubs at his nose before smiling. "Just, small talk", he answers hastily. Taehyung nods in affirmation.

Jimin pouts. "Without me?", he questions. Jungkook pinches his nose. "You're a baby", he comments. Jimin grins cheekily. "Not my fault I'm cute", he answers, smiling wide.

Taehyung doesn't miss his red, glassy eyes, though.

I have so many updates ready but the slow internet speed won't let me post them!!!

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I have so many updates ready but the slow internet speed won't let me post them!!!

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