9. Bring a friend

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"Min, I swear if you say anything stupid, I'm gonna have to shave your eyebrows off", Taehyung warns as he walks Jimin through the hallway and into the living room.

"Woah, woah, where did you learn that from?", Jimin snorts, amused. Taehyung rolls his eyes. "None of your business", he snaps. Jimin pouts heavily. "What's gotten into you, little bro?", he asks.

Taehyung stares at him as if he's crazy and sighs. "I'm just nervous. And please never call me that again", he grumbles. "Why? It makes you emo?", Jimin teases. "No, it makes me cringe", Taehyung bites back.

Jimin laughs softly and pats taehyung's hair, making him smile.

"Oh, you're here!"

A new voice echoes, making the two teenagers flinch. "Dad, you scared us!", Taehyung scolds. Namjoon chuckles sheepishly. "Sorry, please take a seat", he says.

Jimin stands open mouthed, staring at the beautiful man with blue hair. "Uhh...", Namjoon starts awkwardly. Taehyung looks at Jimin and pinches his arm, making him hiss.

"Let's sit down", Taehyung smiles sweetly at a very oblivious Namjoon. "Yeah", Jimin agrees. Namjoon smiles and sits opposite to the two boys.

"Jimin, right?", Namjoon asks. Jimin nods. "Park Jimin", he provides. Taehyung raises an eyebrow with an amused smile. Jimin came prepared. He's impressed.

"What would you like to have?", Namjoon asks. Jimin hums. "I'll have a milk tea, if it isn't a bother", he says. Namjoon smiles. "Not at all", he replies and stands up. "You two can watch a movie or play a video game. Whatever you like", he says and goes straight to the kitchen.

Jimin quickly turns to Taehyung. "He's so pretty!", he exclaims, eyes wide. Taehyung giggles. "You've seen his pictures", he says. Jimin furiously shakes his head. "He's prettier than the pictures you showed me!", he argues.

Taehyung laughs again. "Well, he's my dad", he says smugly as if that says it all. Jimin laughs and shoves him. "You're a cocky bastard", he comments, making Taehyung laugh harder.

"What's so funny?", Namjoon asks chuckling as he enters the living room with a tray. He sets it on the coffee table and hands the cup of milk tea to Jimin while handing a mug of hot chocolate to Taehyung.

He sits back down on his single couch. "I heard you two had a fight?", he starts, trying to make a conversation. Jimin almost spits out his tea. "Uhh.. Yeah. I'm sorry about that", he says, ashamed.

Namjoon's eyes widen. "Oh, no, no. I didn't mean to make you feel guilty. It's all in the past now", he says quickly. Taehyung hides his smile behind his mug. Jimin seems flustered.

"I know, Sir. It's okay", he assures. Namjoon breathes out, relieved. "You can call me Namjoon", he smiles. Jimin looks at Taehyung, rubbing the back of his neck out of nervousness.

Taehyung jumps in. "He respects old people, Dad. He can't just call you Namjoon. Come on", he says, rolling his eyes playfully. Namjoon shoots him a playful glare. "Did you just call me old?", he asks, offended.

Taehyung smirks. "You're old!", he yells. Namjoon's mouth hangs open and he leaps out of his seat to catch Taehyung who starts laughing even before he starts ticking him. Jimin watches them with fond smile, laughing himself.

Namjoon catches him laughing and his whole face turns red out of embarrassment. "Sorry, we're just..", he trails off, smiling awkwardly. Jimin shakes his head, still giggling. "You guys are cute. Reminds me of my Appa", he says softly.

Namjoon smiles at that. "That's nice to hear", he says. This time, he sits next to Jimin. "Tae told me about you and your dad. Our families are quite similar", he chuckles humourlessly. Jimin nods, a sad smile on his lips.

"Do you miss them, Sir?", he asks cautiously. Namjoon nods, sighing. "A little. I'm usually busy with work so it's easy to forget for a while but when it's just me and Tae, it's easy to spot that there's something missing", he replies honestly.

It's kind of weird to say these things to a teenager with whom you just met but Namjoon doesn't know why he feels comfortable sharing his thoughts with Jimin.

Speaking of whom, it doesn't take him rocket science to realize that Jimin is a good kid. He has a nice smile and bright eyes. His features are a painful reminder of a special person. A reminder that he may never get to meet him.

"You're crying", Jimin whispers. "Huh?", Namjoon says, dumbfounded. He raises a hand to his cheek, feeling the wetness on it. He smiles sheepishly. "I don't get emotional easily. I just..", he trails off.

Jimin nods. He knows that. Taehyung has told him enough about Namjoon. "It's a sensitive topic. I shouldn't have brought it up", he apologizes. Namjoon huffs out a sad laugh.

"It's okay", he assures. Taehyung reaches over Jimin to rub Namjoon's thigh, looking directly into his eyes. Namjoon smiles assuringly. Jimin takes a sharp breath to stop himself from crying.

The understanding between Namjoon and Taehyung makes him feel so happy. He just wishes they could all live together and understand each other, just like this. He wishes he could go to the past, eleven years ago, and let his parents know that whatever problems they had, they could fix it.

"Let's move on now", Taehyung says, clapping his hands, trying to brighten the mood. It does work because both Namjoon and Jimin smile instantly. All thanks to Kim Taehyung, the moodmaker.

"Taehyung's right. Let's move on. You guys have fun. I have to finish an article which is due in two days. Let me know if you need anything. I'll---", Namjoon stops himself as the door bell rings.

Taehyung gets up to open the door but Namjoon stops him. He has a feeling that he knows who's on the door. "I'll get it", he says and excuses himself from the two.

He opens the door and looks at the guilty-looking figure with an emotionless face even as his heart is pounding heavily inside his chest.

"What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?"

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This is intense!

Btw, the title is from Dynamite. It's Taetae's line. Stream Dynamite!! (oh, that rhymes!)

PS. WE BROKE THE GODDAMN RECORD!!! (not surprised, though. We're amazing ;)


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