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Before we start, I'll be watching SAO again, so it might be abit more accurate this time around. Letsa go!

"Thank you for your purchase, please come again!" A kind voice said, waving off a person who stood at 6'0. Being as tall as that, he is generally accused of "wearing stilts secretly", considering his parents. This person is Y/n. His father, F/n, stands at 5'4, while his mother, M/n, stands at 4'9. He has just purchased a VR headset. Along with the Beta-Version of the up and coming game called Sword Art Online, SAO, for short.

"I'll make sure to! Have a good day!" Y/n responded, jogging out of the store with the box in his arms. He grinned like a child as he rushed back to his home.

On the way, he was almost hit by something, unknown to him. However that thing disappeared as quickly as it arrived. Y/n, being oblivious to the creature, continued to jog back home. As he got inside, his parents greeted him with smiles.

"Good news dear! We finally found somebody that you can marry!" M/n happily said, her eyes looking like stars in a night sky.

"Yeah, also, you can't really decline! It's already been settled! Haha! You ready, Y/n?!" F/n added, making Y/n flinch.

"W-what!? But that's not fair! I should have a say in this! It's my future we're talking about! What if I don't get along with her?!" Y/n frantically argued, making his mother... Very disappointed.

"You should listen, Y/n, dear. We're doing this for you. Be grateful, sweety." She responded, her smile looking forced now. Her eyes held the disappointment, however.

Y/n lowered his head, before walking away and to his room. He set down the box with the headset, and opened it. Revealing the Nerve Gear within and the case of which holds the Beta-Version of SAO.

His eyes, slightly teary, shimmered. He always liked games as a form of escape, an escape from the cruel reality he lives in.

"Come on, lets start." Y/n told himself, picking the headset up and plugging it in, the putting the disc of SAO into the slot that it goes in. Placing the helmet like headset on himself, he laid down and took a deep breath.

"Link Start!"

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