I'm Romantic

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A/NThis is my first fic, I hope you all enjoy, Lots of fluff stuff and a bit of smut. Please read and give me feed back, I'm not the best writer and this story is really to help me get over a loss of someone special. I will update this weekly. 

Bakugou sits at the tables wondering, Why does he always have that look when he see's them? What was it about seeing The Nerd and Icy hot sucking face that brought such a downtrodden look to his boyfriends face? Watching as Midorya, and Todoroki, did some cute romantic shit across the booth.

They finished their meals with small talk and the occasional screaming fit from Bakugouu.

Why did I agree to this double date bullshit he wondered as they said there goodbye's and returned to their campus apartments they got to live in as 3rd years.

Eijoro? ..." Do you like all that cutesy romantic shit that deku and icy hot are always into ??"

"Umm... well it looks nice and all but I love you for you!" The redhead stated grabbing Bakugous' hand, "Romance isn't really your thing! "

I'M ROMANTIC!!! Katsuki yells, Proving how unromantic he actually was, his idea of romance was sending Kirishima dick pic's and lewd messages.


B: What are you doing ?

E: just working out, you?


Katsuki thought back to something romantic he's done in the time they've been dating, the more he thought about it the larger the pain at the side of his temples.

"BABE!" Kirishima shakes his boyfriends' hand seeming to be lost in a daze

Hey you, you ok? a look of concern across his face. "I'm fine" Katsuki growled, as he gave his boyfriend a kiss goodnight and made his way to his unit.

Although they normally spent most nights together, Kirishima thought it best to stay at his own place tonight as he had an early morning training session with Fatgum, and being in the bed next to Katsuki was a doomed plan if he wanted to get up on time.

As Bakugouu made his way to his place he looked back to see Kiri watching from his open door, until he made it his room, he glanced back again as he slide the key into the door, Kiri had finally walked inside.

Romance huh... He grumbled to himself as he laid down for the night.

Time skip next morning at school

Katsuki got up early today so he could get to school a few minutes earlier, he needed to talk to Todoroki, That damn icy hot bastard could be the perfect person to help him get through his current predicament .

As he walked toward UA he thought to himself, doesn't he know how much I love him? Images of a smiling Kirishima dance about in his head.

Doesn't he know I would kill, at least maim for him, he's my constant source of fucking sunshine, and I guess I suck at saying that ...showing it.

I hate to admit it but I need help.

As he got closer to the gates he saw Todoroki talking with the American transfer student some guy everyone called Nendo, he was in our class and been in the school a few months now, He was taller than most of us with bright green eyes and curly burgundy hair that he kept neatly pulled into a ponytail, nice enough guy I guess, but the question still remained what the fuck were they talking so intently about? He slowed his pace to not disturb them, hoping to catch a bit of the conversation. Nendo looked up noticing Bakugou he said something else to Todoroki as he passed him a brown bag and popped his ear buds back in and walked off.

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