Looks like someone had a good night

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In The Morning

Light shown through the balcony window illuminating the room in a golden glow, Inasa woke up first looking down to see a mound of curly red hair, and a beautiful sleeping face. He reached down gently moving the fallen curls from his face, bright as the morning sun, his heart skipped and his breathing became heavy with emotion. In that moment he wanted nothing more than that moment.

Nendo stirred cuddling himself deeper into Inasa's chest, he yawned and his long eyelashes fluttered open, felt arms wrapped around him pulling him closer he looked up to soft lips meeting his.

"Good morning handsome" Nendo greeted, "Good morning to you" Inasa greeted back, they laid in comfortable silence for a few more minutes until Nendo's phone rang, He pulled away to grab it. A small frown appeared on Inasa's face, missing the warmth from the body he wanted close to his again.

"Hello" Nendo said his voice slightly gravely from sleep. It was Todoroki on the other line he was checking in with everyone, the two spoke for moment before agreeing to meet for breakfast in an hour. That would give hi enough time to wake up a certainly hung over Izuku and get hi ready to go.

"Are you hungry? Nendo asked Inasa, his frown softened as he nodded, the red head slid over the bed back into the comfort of strong arms.

He kissed him gently as they lay together "you know we could stay like this a little longer if we shower together again" Inasa said he face dusted pink.

They stayed in bed the extra 20 min. cuddling and laughing before getting up and getting ready to meet their friends.

With everyone in the lobby Katsuki and Eijiro leaning against each other, Izuku's face was just as green as his hair. They slowly walked to the nearby café, each of the ordered coffee and breakfast in an attempt to rid themselves of the remanence of last night's drinking binge.

As they sat in the booth going over the events of the previous night Izuku spotted the dark marks that adorned the two mens necks.

"Looks like someone had a good night: Izuku said wirh a smirk as life returned to his cheeks, Bakugou grunted "tsk ABOUT FUCKING TIME" Kirishia elbowed him in the side, Nendo red faced excused himself to the restroom, As soon a he was out of sight Inasa stood in front of the table bowed deeply "THANK YOU ALL, you brought him back to me" he said his face softer less intense. They each looked up at the tall male and gave a nod, Nendo returned from the restroom just as the waiter arrived to take their orders.

After breakfast the boys were feeling better and ready to explore the city, they walked about for hours taking in the new sights and sounds, Inasa led them as visited several locations throughout the city one to include a park where the cherry blossoms were in bloom, Inasa created a light breeze so the blossoms fell as they walked creating a majestic environment for the group to stop a moment.

Katsuki and Eijiro walked off in one direction, As did Izuku and Shoto.

Inasa had planned this with them, while Nendo was in the restroom, Inasa extended his hand to the curly haired male. "I want to show you something" he said his eyes full of excitement. Nendo took his hand, Immediately being pulled in to a hug before being lifted off the ground above the tree line.

"Close your eyes" Inasa asked calmly, Nendo complied. With a wave of his hand the falling petals began to dance in the sky, creating the shape of a heart as they swirled about.

"Open" he said gently, Nendo opened his eyes to see the dancing petals, with another wave of his hand the petals began to dance around them shooting them into the sky and releasing them, causing pink petals gently rained about the city, They shared a simple kiss as they returned to the ground below to meet the others.

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