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"It's not possible

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"It's not possible. It couldn't be me."


As they kissed, Brendon felt nothing with Sarah. It was strange, when they used to touch lips, it felt like fire and he enjoyed it. Here and now, it felt different. Perhaps Spencer was right. Whatever he and Sarah had all the time ago, it was long gone-  and so was Giselle.

The crowd applauded one another as Giselle continued to ponder sadly until she felt a bony hand brush her arm. "Child? Is that you-?"

Thunder clapped outside as the old hag gasped in delight while Giselle widened her eyes in fear. "You! You sent me here!" She cried in shock, backing away.

"I am so glad to see you. I was so very worried." She tried to escape her but the hag grabbed onto her arms. "What a terrible accident that brought you to this terrible place with so much sadness and so much pain." Her eyes drifted back to Brendon who was dancing with Sarah again to the music. The old hag stroked Giselle's red hair comfortingly. "Oh, yes. To never be with the one you love. Doomed to be with another for eternity."

All she wanted to do was leave this world and never return, attempting to evade her once again to no avail. "Oh! But it doesn't have to be that way. Oh, no, no, no. I can stop the hurt, yes." The hag said with a croaky voice. "I can make all those bad memories disappear."

Giselle glanced back at the ballroom floor, distracted as the old woman revealed a large red apple to her wandering eyes. "Yes! Just one bite, my love, and all this will go away." The hag's weary fingers fiddled with a strand of her hair, enticing her. "Your life here, the people that you met. You won't remember anything. Just sweet dreams..." She leaned in, whispering. "And happy endings."

It was exactly what she wanted, her happily ever after. Something she had wanted since she was a child. But did she really want to forget all that she's been through? She loved her short-lived life in the city. She loved dancing and singing in Central Park. She loved shopping with Mona. She loved Brendon. 

She sighed, taking another look at him. Brendon seemed happy, perhaps he would be happy without her. The old hag raised the apple in front of her view, reflecting her image onto it. "But you must hurry. You must hurry, the magic will not work unless you take a bite before the clock strikes twelve." The woman laid the apple into her hands, entrancing her. "Hurry now. Hurry. Hurry."

Despite the old hag's pressures, Giselle continued to have second thoughts and had one last look at Brendon. His smile was what she wanted to see every morning when she woke up. She wanted it to be for her so badly. It was too late now.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! That's it. That's it. Hurry. Hurry. Yes." She pulled the apple closer to her mouth, this was it: her happy ending. The old hag flicked her tongue as Giselle finally dug her teeth into the red apple, taking a bite.

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