Impossible Love Part 9

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We sit in silence for a while then he says “Oh… okay when will you go back?”. “Tomorrow night.” I say sadly. “Oh so we have like 1 and a half day.” He says. “Yes” I say trying to hold back my tears even if I didn’t know him for long he was my idol and the times we spent together was magical and perfect. Oh god why can’t I be happy for one time? “Okay then we should make every moment memorable starting now.” He says cheerfully even with a situation like this.  “So what’s the plan?” I ask. “ Today will be just getting to know each other and just hang out but the big thing will be tomorrow!” he says “So let’s go to the beach and just hang out” I offer. He agrees and we drive to the beach. The weather is perfect not to sunny but It doesn’t make you cold we sit down on the sand and start to talk well since I know pretty much everything about him ı talk about myself “ Well I am a high school  senior and in the future I want to be a director. I live in a beautiful small village in London I have a big brother but he is away cause of college and I really miss him. I get along with my aunt and mom really well we are like friends. I like listening to music and drawing and also dancing.” I tell him “But what about your dad?” he ask “Umm I really don’t want to talk about him now and destroy today so maybe later huh?” “Okay whatever you like.” He says and we talk about the most random things like what would have happened if we were aliens and how would we look like as aliens or as Avatars and would it be fun to live in Pandora. “It would be awesome to be an Avatar we could fly on does horseish creatures.” He says. “Come on Josh it’s never going to happen plus they look like blue human gorillas.” I say and he pretends like was offended and  turns his back to me so I pretend like I didn’t care  and watch the sunset a few minutes later he gives up and says” Fine you win!” and I do a victory tour but fell down while trying to twirl. He catches me and we stood like that for a while but then start to laugh so hard that I almost peed in my pants. We lay down for a while but it starts to get late so we drive back to  my hotel and I feel so tired that I sleep instantly, feeling happier than ever…


Impossible Love ( A Josh Hutcherson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now