Ethan Imagine 3

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391 word count


It was the first time you were going to hangout with Ethan in your hometown, instead of flying out to LA. He was visiting your family for a couple of days.

You were nervous about what will happen. Will he get mobbed by teenaged girls? Or will you get hate?

You were taking him to your high school's football game tonight. You knew there were a lot of girls that would try to take him away so you kept him close to your side.

You and Ethan walked through the gates which led to the bleachers.
You grabbed his hand
"Babe it's ok, don't worry, I'm here. Were just going to have fun" he said looking down at you and giving you a warm smile
You nodded and you both continued on till you got to the student section

You noticed the girls were giving you dirty looks and some were just fan-girling because it was THE Ethan Dolan
You smiled to your self knowing he was all yours

You led Ethan up to were you stand and he followed behind, still with interlocked hands

You stood there, you are a really shy person so the people in the section you didn't really talk to so you just stood there with him watching the game until someone walked up...
"Oh hey (y/n)!" Someone said

You looked over and saw Vanessa, the 11th grade slut walking over to give you a hug
You don't even talk to her, ever!
Your thinking was disturbed by Vanessa flirting with Ethan. You looked at her then back at Ethan  which was focussing on the game. He squeezed your hand reassuringly. You looked back to the game, and soon enough Vanessa got the hint and left

"I'm starvingggg" you whined giving him a side hug
"I'll get you something, what ya want?" He asked kissing your forehead
You noticed all the girls looking. You smiled to yourself
"Hmmm...will you share cheese fries with me?" You asked looking up
"Yes I will" he said chuckling
"I'll be back" and he left you by yourself
A couple girls walked up to you asking you all kinds of questions till Ethan came back with a cheese fries and a thing of water

You both ate the delicious cheese fries and finished the game together. Tonight wasn't as bad as you thought it would have been

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