Chapter 11-Are You Dating?

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Hiccup's PoV


I just woke up. It was really early in the morning, I think the sun had not even risen. Elsa and Tooth were asleep.

I got out of bed and put my armor on. I was really bored of just sitting down in the bedroom so I quietly left the room and secretly snuck around the factory.

I found the stables were North's reindeer were and so was Toothless.

"Hey bud," I said. He smiled at me.

"Bud, shhh," I said lightly petting him behind the eyes. He gave me puppy dog eyes

"No we cant go riding. I don't even know where the hell we are," I said and then I heard footsteps.

"I am getting in here and pretend I am not here, okay?" I asked sitting down in his stable right under his wing.

"Get the raindeer ready," It was North. Kinda wish it was one of the Omega 6 so they could help me get out.

"You two go get the slegh ready," North said

"slegh?" I thought

"Go get up the Omega 6, okay?" North said. I was not there, crap.

"Okay finish up! I will be in my living courters," North said after North left I quickly left the stables and none of the elfs noticed me. Good

I ran to our room. That gods they were still alseep. Once I got into the room I quickly took off my armor and got in bed. I pretended to sleep.

3 seconds later, a yeti came into our room and then left. Probably walked into the wrong room. Then North came in

"Morning! Get up up up!" North yelled.

"Who nice morning morning call. What time is it?" Elsa asked

"8-ish in the morning," North said leaving the room

"I get up earlier at Arendelle," Elsa said walking over to the bathroom

"Who early?" Tooth asked

"like 5-6-ish," Elsa said entering the bathroom and closing the door

"Same, that is when I get up at Berk," I mumbled to myself

"Hiccup, your turn in the bathroom," Elsa said coming out in a blue ice dress and her hair was in a French braid which sat on her left shoulder. This was the same thing she was wearing when she got here and when she visited Berk.

"Mkay," I said grabbing my armor and entering the bathroom to change. I left the bathroom after a few minutes

"Tooth do you?" I asked

"No remember I am part bird really. I just wear feathers...remember?" I felt really stupid

"Anyway if you two are done we can head down for breakfast," Tooth asked Elsa and I

"Elsa? You done?" I asked her. I was done

"Mhm," Elsa said

"Okay follow me," Tooth said opening the door and left. Elsa followed me which I was following Tooth.

"Here we go! There r cookies and milk, candy, burgers, fries, snowcones, ice cream, and that is really it," Tooth said.

"Do we serve ourselfs?" Elsa asked

"Yes," Tooth said flying over to the food. She put some fries, milk and a burger on her tray.

"You first, Hiccup," Elsa said

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