Chapter 6-Death

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Merida's PoV


"I still don't understand why I ended up with you, Frost!" Bunny blurted out while we were walking over to the Easter Egg Painting Palace.

"Sorry, kangaroo," Jack said slightly punching Bunny in the arm

"Guys stop your bicoring and can we speed it up? We don't have all day to walk to the palace!" I said with a small bit of rage in my voice

"Okay, okay, okay!!! Merida hold on to me and we can ditch Jack and get there in no time!" Bunny said holding his hand out for me to hold

"Okay, fur ball," I joked hold his paw. Bunny sprited to the palace leaving Jack in his dust, the dust.

Once we got to the palace, Bunny and I let go of hands. It felt reeeeeeeally weird holding his furry paw.

Really weird.

"Okay Merida, we are finally going to get into training. Our first thing we are doing is showing how you would react to insults, so we are going o place you in a room and slap you up side the head and your imgination will make it though you are really in the hologram that will be in the room," Bunny explained to me while we went to the room where he was talking about.

"Here," Bunny said opening the door to the room. "I'm sorry to do this but..." It went black.


Merida's PoV(still)



"Merida," a voice was saying in a calm voice

"huh?" i mumbled

"You need to get up, Queen," Queen?

"I'm not a queen," I said still tired

"Yes ma'am, you are Merida," the same person said. Once I woke up more the person was a maid

"How and why am I queen? And if I am queen what am I queen to?" I asked

"You are the Queen of DunBrouch and the reason you are queen is because of your parent's death. I thought that you don't like to talk about there leaving?" the maid said

"oh..." I trailed off. Death?!

"How did they die?" I asked, now was fully awake and sitting up.

"Um, you want to know?" she asked

"Mhm," I replied

"Well they were off to Rapunzel and Eugune's wedding with the former King and Queen of Arendelle, Queen Elsa and Princess Anna's parents," the maid started, "the weather go bad and the boat crashed into the big and forming tsunaimi," she stoped talking and shed a tear or two.

"Oh, right...El-I mean Queen Elsa told me bout that crash. She sucks at tellin' stories," I said, sadly

"You don't know Queen Elsa of Arendelle. This is the first time you have ever talked about them. They live in a whole different state," the maid said

"'am I am going to get dressed...wait what are we doing today?" I said

"Today, Princess Anna and Prince Kristoff are coming today to sign the trading partner papers," the maid said

"Oh okay thanks. So...I am going to change now," I said and the maid left the room so I could change. I slowly walked over to my closet and put on my muddy greenish dress with golden trim. I didnt put shoes on. It was Saturday and there was no Mom so that meant no silly proper "classes".

I walked down to the huge kitchen. the kitchen was my third favorite place in the palace. One is the horse stables and second is the dining room

"Morning Queen! Do you want some breakfast?" a female cheif asked me.

"Could I have an apple?" I asked and the cheif threw me one

"Thanks!" I said skiping off to the horse stables

"Hello Angus!!!" I said stroking the horses's neck

"We are going to the docks and town," I said hoping on the horse and we galped off to town

Once we arrived in town, I hopped off Angus and tided his leash to a tree and ran off to the shop.

"Morining Queen!" a shopkeeper said to me

"Sup!" I said grabbing some arrows off a shelf and walked over to the counter and payed for the arrows and left. Once I got back to Angus I untied Angus from the tree and we galped down to the docks and I was just in time. Anna and Kristoff's ship just arrived when I got down there.

Anna was wearing a nice green dress and Kristoff was wearing a nice casual shirt with ripped jeans and some type of running shoes.

"Morning friends!" I said holding my hand in the air for Anna or Kristoff to high-five me but they did not.


"Princess Anna of Arendelle," Anna said bowing

"Prince Kristoff of Arendelle," Kristoff said holding his hand out for me to shake it. I shoke it.

"Are you the Queen of DunBrouch?" Anna asked me

"Yep," I said smirking

"My sister Queen Elsa of Arendelle says that she hates being Queen...sometimes," Anna giggled a little

"So do you want to fill out the paper work?" I asked her

"Sure but you do know that the people can do it for us right?" Kristoff said

"Um, no I did not know that, Krstoff," I said

"Oh, well honey if you told us that before we left we could have just stayed home," she lightly hit him and he slightly laughed.

They pecked each other on the lips and they held hands and looked at me.

Just me....

"Sorry, well if you want we could walk back to the palace. Unless Anna would like to ride on Angus with me," I said patting Angus's neck.

"No thanks I am not a flee-bag rider," Anna snapped

"You just insulted to people you know," Kristoff said

"Me," I said

"And Me," Kristoff said

"Huh? I see Merida rides but who do you ride, Kristoff?" Anna asked

"Sven," Anna looked at him with a weird look.

"Sven?" She asked

"My reindeer," Kristoff said

"Oh..." Anna said

"Sorry babe and I am not sorry to you Queen Merida," Anna snapped

"Well ahh...well goodbye then," I said

"Boo hoo I am not leaving. I would like to check out the dirty country side here," Anna said

"Um did you say dirty?" I asked.

"Mhm...well the grass and ground is dirty right? no insulting right?" Anna said smirking

"Smirk all the hell you want but there is no way you are insulting my kingdom's Queen, me, and grounds to be a trading partner," I snapped

"Bitch..." Anna mumbled. Anna is never like this.

"Leave now please and we are not going to be trading partners...ever," I said shooing them.

Out of no where Anna pulled out a sword and then I died. Whi weird and hurting feeling.


Sorry for the little kids reading this and that it has cussing in it

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