Chapter VIII

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- you want to eat? - I ask meowstic that I observe myself blushing

- She fell asleep so I brought her to my bed - I replied

- It's fine although you could leave it in my room - I comment

- I didn't want to bother you -

I let out a sigh and watch myself

- Then will you ... stay ... e ... in my bed? - I ask stammering

- I will sleep in the armchair - I answered going out and closing the door

- but I want to try the soup you prepared - I added

- I will serve her - he said

Already sitting at the table I observed her acting very nervous and blushing

- Here you go - he said placing the plate in front of me

- Thank you -

Meowstic settled into the front chair

- and how did it go at work? - I ask

- Well, tomorrow I will go again - I answered

The food was very good

- I fit you well - comment, I remain silent

- How did it go for you? - I asked for

- Very relaxed -

- Well this place is not very big - I replied

- But you are very messy - he said

I smiled

- I will try not to be - I said

- but if you weren't I would get bored -

He laughed softly

- That's what I love about you - I said

Again I am silent turning from a very intense crimson

- really? - I ask shyly

- Yes, I like your attitude ... Most of the pokemon I have met barely answer me because of the social level I have -

Keep eating until the plate is empty

I took the dish to wash and let it soak while I went to the chair sitting looking at nothing

- Now you can go to sleep - I said to meowstic who nodded and went to his room

Slowly I sat on the couch, running my paw over my head. Again I stood up and picked up the phone calling ponyta, a pokemon who owed me favors. Dial and I immediately pick up the phone

- treasure hunters and pokemon at your service - he said

- Hello ponyta, you remember me right? -

Listen to your breath

- How to forget who saved my neck - he replied with a false joy

- I need your help to find buizel who worked in the company transport sinn - I said

- Yes, I assure you that I find it but this will lower the amount that I owe you, right? Yawn

- I guess a little why good ... pay for your debt - I replied

- Yes, I will talk to you when I have something but it will take a while to locate it - he said very nervous

- Just talk to me and if I'm not, leave the message but be clear - I said

- It is done -

Ponyta previously went into dark places to get money and did it but steal that's the worst thing you can do

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