For Remus...

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[ The Hearse Song by Rusty Cage ]

Thomas, along with all Light Sides were asleep. Well... most were. Janus awoke abruptly from a recurring dream. It was a simple yet pleasant dream, it was of the old days: Virgil, himself and... and Remus.

Back when they all got along and played tricks on Thomas' mind and fooled around the the other Sides... Back before Virgil left. He remembered passing by Remus' room and hearing muffled sobs. He walked in to see the Duke laying on his stomach with his face in a pillow. Remus sat up and wiped his tears when he felt the presence of someone else, Deceit had sat down and wrapped all his arms around him, allowing him to cry into his shoulder. Slowly leaning to the right and to the left, rocking side-to-side, he sang a soft, creepy melody to Remus.

Janus hugged himself with his six arms and sang the same melody to the shadows of the room.

"Don't ever laugh as a hearse goes by... For you may be the next to die... They wrap you up in bloody sheets... To drop you six feet underneath..." He stopped there, chocking on the words of the song. He physically couldn't sing anymore of the song, he sang it for Remus and for Remus only. The song, the dream, the tears, everything from the moment he set his head on his pillow was all for Remus. Tears began to burn his cheeks, he stood up. In a desperate attempt to get away, he stumbled across his room. His knees were shaking as he ran blindly into his desk, over a chair, and into his bookshelf. Finally, he fell to the floor with a heavy thud. Sobbing and coughing, he changed who he was with every blink.


Patton was having a dream where he was cuddling with an uncountable amount of cats and dogs, when sudden thud woke him up. Rubbing his eyes, he got up and stepped outside of his room. He looked down the hall -crash- and saw Roman open his door.

"Can't a prince get his beauty rest for once? Without interruptions!?" He asked, waltzing his way to Virgil's room. -thud- Just as Roman raised his hand to knock, Virgil opened his door.

"Can't the Emo Nightmare get through his emo nightmare for once in a Sides life?" Stepping out, he stared at Roman and Patton. After a moment of blankly staring at each other, they all looked towards the last two doors: Logan's and Janus'. One last -thud- echoed through the hallway. They waited patiently, as one last door opened.

"Whomever keeps making those absurdly raucous noises, I ask you to stop before you wake everyone-" Logan stepped out of his room and met everyone's gaze. "...up." He finished, sounding slightly defeated. The heaviest sleeper out of all of them, if he's awake; everyone else probably is. The was a dead silence before Patton heard it. The soft sobbing from behind Deceit's door. They slowly approached the last, and still closed door. Patton reached for the handle as Roman pulled his sword from it's sheathe, just in case. Logan stepped forward, seeing how nervous Patton was looking, and opened the door for him. The door swung with ease, letting them see what woke them all up.

"Hey, hey Kiddo... it's okay..." said the fatherly Side, he was the quickest to run up. They all say in a small semi-circle around Janus. Once again, they all tried to call him down. And no one would admit it, but the hoped to hear the Dukes music, he at least knew what he was doing.

"Dammit." Virgil muttered, "Should I go get Remus?"

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