He needs Remus..!

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"A-an-and h-he's-!" Janus choked, sobbing by this point. Virgil jumped at the sound of repeating thuds from downstairs. He grabbed Logan's sleeve in a panic.

"Remus is trying to get out!" Janus didn't take too well to hearing his name. He hugged himself tighter and cried harder. Roman was pacing, trying to figure out what to do, and Patton was trying his fatherly best to calm Janus down. Deceit had finally lost his marbles, he grabbed the back of his head and screamed.

"He's the closest thing I have to Remus!!!" The others all froze and stared in shock.


Remus knew something bad had happened. They actually did everything right... until it came down to the last person. It was Roman, from what little he could hear, but he froze. That's how he knew something bad had happened. He wrapped his hands over the chains again.

"Hold on, Double D-" he whispered. "I'm coming." He ran faster than he could, holding tightly to the chains. Just like the last times, he fell back to the ground. But unlike last time, he wasn't going to sit and wait for them to realize that he could help. He stood up and ran again, this time he heard a crack. Looking back at the walls, there was a visible fracture in the wood. He ran again, and again, and again; the cracks growing larger every time he ran, fell, and ran again.

{ remus is trying to get out }

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock!!!" He screamed as he ran. This time he fell and rolled towards his door. He looked back and was the chains dragging along the floor, they also carried a piece of the wall. He immediately sank down and rose just in front of Deceit's door to hear-

"He's the closest thing I have to Remus!!!" He froze, he was in shock. The reason Janus had chosen his brother was because he was the closest thing he had... Without a second thought, he pushed the door open and ran over to his snake-boy. He heard words of disapproval and shock from behind him, but he couldn't care less. He held his baby close and didn't let go. He felt tears stream down his face, smudging his make-up more than it already was.

"I'm here, Dee.." he whispered through his tears, he hugged him tighter. "And I'm never letting go again..."

[Should I end it there?]

[Like, I'm actually asking; and not just the chapter, like, the entire book. Should it be stopped here?]

The closest thing to him ~ DemusWhere stories live. Discover now