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Once upon a time, in a kingdom in fairytale island called "Snow kingdom", there was a king and a queen who had a beautiful daughter named "PRINCESS Y/N(your name) ". She has h/c(hair colour) hair, e/c(eye colour) eyes, and has s/c(skin colour) skin. She also had ice powers like her parents.


"Your majesties all the visitors have arrived.", one guard said.

"Okay thank you informing us." the king said. "You may go now." the queen continued while holding the princess in her arms.

They both went to the throne room with all the guest waiting. They are all kings and queens, princes and princesses. They are from different kingdoms in the island.

"Thank you for coming on our daughter's christening." the king said in front of the crowd.

"May we introduce you, our daughter "Princess Y/N L/N(last name)." the queen said in front of the crowd. The crowd was clapping for the princess because of joy.

"Now it's time for the fairies to give their gift to the princess." Both of the king and queen said.

The first fairy said " I shall give you a gift of beauty." Then she twirled her wand on her hand and pointed at the princess, then magic got sprinkled at her.

The second fairy said "I give you the gift of song." Then she did the same thing as the first fairy did, she twirled the wand on her hand and pointed at the princess, then magic got sprinkled at her.

The last fairy said "I give you the gift of-"she stopped because an unwanted visitor suddenly appeared in the middle of the christening. The guests were shocked when they knew it was-

"It's MALEFICENT!!!!!!" one of the guest shouted.

Maleficent, she was a dark fairy who wears a black robe, she has yellow gold eyes, she has horns on her head and a staff. All the guest were terrified and scared.

"Well....well...looks like someone forgot to invite me to this christening."Maleficent said calmly while chuckling.

"MALEFICENT!!! What are you doing here?! You are not even welcome here!!" King Frost asked furiously.

"Calm down , I just want to visit the little princess and give her a gift." she said.

"No we won't let you give her a gift!!" King Frost said angrily.

"Let her give our daughter a gift that is nice." Queen Elisa told the king while calming him down while looking at Maleficent.

Maleficent turned to the princess but the fairies tried to stop her.

"Stay away from the princess." one fairy said. Suddenly Maleficent used her magic pushing all three fairies into a chest then they hit the lid of the chest and then the lid closed making them trapped inside. Then she went towards the princess, when she saw the princess in a crib the princess smiled at her while she was thinking of a curse. Then she suddenly thought of a curse.

"Listen well all of you, the princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty, beloved by all who know her" Maleficent said while twirling her hand with magic while looking at the princess.

"That is such a lovely gift" Queen Elisa said while worrying about her daughter. Then Maleficent looked towards her the king and queen then walked in front of the princess' parents.

But suddenly a green flame appeared on her while her hands are opened wide and said "One day, when she uses her power with full energy.... she will become weak and cannot stand up anymore. Her hair will turn white as snow and snowflakes will form into her body and it will make her slowly turn cold as ice...... and if that day come she will be frozen to death FOREVERRR...." she then laughed and vanished into thin air. No traces of her was left behind.

The king and queen got worried of their daughter because of the curse that MALEFICENT gave her.

~The day after the christening~

All guards were ordered to go around the kingdom to look for traces of Maleficent but they found none. The king and queen are getting more worried of their daughter and her curse. So they thought of one thing to keep her safe. Locking her in the castle until she grew up older. They thought it is the best idea to keep her safe from using all of her energy in her powers.

~Years later when she is already at the age of 10 years old~

~Your P.O.V~

"Mom, Dad, can I go out and have fun like other peoples??" I asked my parents.

"NO!!" They both yelled at me at the same time.

"You know it is dangerous for you to go out because of your curse, right??" Mom said.

"But I can't stay in the castle for more years." I said.

"It's for your own safety Y/n." Mom said.

"But I have my powers to protect me and I want to have freedom like normal people do." I said.

"No!" They said.

I then gave up because I don't want to argue with them anymore so I just left the throne room and walked towards my room and went to the window and sat beside it and stared outside the castle.

At the beautiful starry night sky, I stare at the stars with a frown face because of the argue that happened earlier today.

"One....Two....Three...." I whispered.

Then a bright colourful Aurora's appeared in the sky, I then smiled admiring the view. I then placed my hands on the opened window and rested my chin on it. I've been locked up in the castle since the day I got cursed and that made me bored all day...... I even wanted to explore the world instead of being locked up inside the castle.....that feels like prison.... Ever since I tried to go outside just to go to the garden, they will always say.....

"It is too dangerous to go out." Dad said.

"We don't know if there is a monster or a witch come looking for you...." Mom said.

"It's dangerous for a young princess to go out." Dad said

I sighed.....But then suddenly an idea popped in my mind.

"What if...." I thought.

~To Be Continued...........~

Did i mess up something??? pls tell me, I'm sorry for the wrong grammar. I wish you guys enjoyed the story.

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