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Nandini swayed her hips as she got ready for college while listening to Fake Love by BTS. Nandini was currently in her last year of MBA in Elite College the best college for MBA in India. Just like the name suggested only elite people could get admission in this college. Either you had to be very smart or very rich. And Nandini was both she was also the topper of the college since she joined it.
Nandini entered her walk in closet which was literally the size of a living room. She picked a white full sleeves one piece which reached till her mid thighs, black knee length boots and a black bag. She put on her makeup which was a winged eye liner, mascara and red lipstick. She combed her naturally straight hair and tucked them behind her ears.

 She combed her naturally straight hair and tucked them behind her ears

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Grabbing her bag and car keys she went down stairs to see her parents as usual arguing about something

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Grabbing her bag and car keys she went down stairs to see her parents as usual arguing about something. She rolled her eyes she didn't understand why they were still together when they couldn't even bare each other for a minute.
"Mam breakfast is served" Shiv told Nandini
"I am not hungry Shiv when they are done fighting tell them to enjoy the breakfast" Nandini said sarcastically leaving the house hoping that her parents will atleast notice that she left but ofcourse such miracle will never happen because her selfish parents cannot see anyone but themselves.
As Nandini got in her car her phone rang she checked it was Aliya.
"Did uncle and aunty fight again?"
"What do you want Aliya"
"Okk okk when are you going to arrive the results for the last semester are out"
"If you keep the phone then only will I be able to drive"
"Ok see you babe"
Nandini cut the call and started the car driving towards the college.


"Hey look isn't that Nandini Roy she bought a new car"
"Gosh she is so lucky she always gets what she wants"
"She is gorgeous but such a rude bitch"
These were the everyday gossips about Nandini. Nandini parked her car in her usual parking space no one else ever parked there it was a unsaid rule that the parking belonged to only Nandini Roy. Getting out of the car she walked towards Dhruv and Aliya.
"So?" Nandini asked raising her eyebrows
Aliya and Dhruv both looked at her confused.
"For god's sake idiots what is the result?"
"Ohhh ya ya as usual you are the topper" Dhruv told her. Nandini smiled happily she was not happy that she came first but she was happy that someone had lost to her.
"Aryaman is in the canteen" Aliya informed Nandini even before she could ask. Aryaman Raichand also came from one of the most well respected families in Dehradun. There was a constant competition between Nandini and Aryaman and this time Aryaman had lost to her.
All three of them walked towards the canteen. Every student of the college had eyes on Nandini after all she was perfect. Nandini entered the canteen scanning it to spot her target. As she saw him sitting with some of his friends she walked towards them and threw her bag on the table knocking away the mobile in Aryaman's hand.
Aryaman didn't even have to look up to see who it was only one person dared to be so rude to him "Hello Nandini darling how is your day going" he said sweetly looking up at her damn was she beautiful.
"It was terrible but then I saw that you lost to me so it's going great now" Nandini said signalling one of Aryaman's friend to get up from the chair. She sat on the chair right on front of him.
"So Aryaman how does it feel to lose.......again?" Nandini said smirking tapping the table with her nails.
Aryaman took Nandini's hand "I am always ready to lose for you" he said kissing her hand. Aryaman knew that Nandini will go crazy if he shows that she doesn't affect him.
Nandini pulled her hand away angrily and got up "I don't want your germs Aryaman" she said wiping her hand on his shirt. She grabbed her bag of the table and walked away.
One of Aryaman's friend asked him
"Dude what is this between you and Nandini you guys hate each other so much then why even talk to one another"
"She hates me when did I ever say that I hate her" Aryaman replied his eyes still on Nandini's retreating figure.


Nandini stood by the railing of the third floor still very angry about Aryaman's reaction.
"Nandini calm down you should be happy today you ranked first" Aliya said trying to calm her friend down.
"Aliya the only reason I wanted to come first was to make Aryaman loose"
"Nandini come one you really need to loose......" Dhruv's words were unheard by Nandini when something or you could say someone caught her attention.
"Wow" Nandini said her eyes gleaming as she leaned on the railing staring at the guy on the second floor. A handsome face. Well defined with a sharp jaw and angular cheekbones. He had tousled black hair. Nandini could tell the boy had a lean body under the red pullover he was wearing

 Nandini could tell the boy had a lean body under the red pullover he was wearing

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Aliya and Dhruv followed her eyes to see what had caught Nandini's attention.
"Oh that must be the new student" Dhruv said
"New student? In the last semester?" Nandini asked interested.
"Ya Professor Dev told me that he will be joining our class today"
"Ain't I lucky" Nandini said smirking. "Interesting" Nandini finally had found something interesting in a very long time.

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