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"So the album's almost done?" I asked while spinning around in a chair. Shawn and I were currently in the studio with the rest of the team that came to Jamaica. Shawn stopped my chair and I looked up behind me, pouting.

"Don't you have homework to do?" Shawn draped his arms over the chair and around me. I played with his hands which were resting in front of me.

"Don't you have an album to finish" I smiled sarcastically.

He shook his head, "Go do your homework"

Shawn pushed my chair forward but I stopped it with my feet. I shuffled the chair back and moved next to Shawn.

"Stop telling me what to do. I'm on vacation" I motioned to the swimsuit under my tank top.

"You still have school" Teddy shook her head, "Vacation or not"

"But I don't wanna do work" I sat back in the chair, crossing my arms.

Shawn rolled his eyes playfully and stood up, reaching his hand out for me, "Come on. We'll go back to your room and I'll sit with you while you finish your boring US history notes or whatever"

I sighed, reluctantly taking his hand.

"Atta girl. We're going to the beach later and if you finish we'll let you join" Andrew laughed.

"Behave, kids!" George Seara, the engineer, joked.

"We will," Shawn chuckled.

"I finished APUSH notes. I just have AP lang and a dumb calc lesson to watch"

"Huh, dumb calc lesson... never thought I'd hear those words together in that order" Shawn nodded as we walked out of the room, hand in hand.


"Are you ready for your album to be released?" I asked.

Shawn and I were currently walking along water on the beach. The beach was empty where we rented the villa & we had most of the area to ourselves.

Shawn let out a shaky breath, "Honestly just thinking about it-" Shawn motioned to his chest.

"Yeah, I get you" I nodded, "I feel that way all the time"

When You're Ready ➸ S. Mendes ✔Where stories live. Discover now