Sam the Small Snail

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Once upon a time there was a snail named Sam. Sam lived in a small town in a small state in a small country. Everything he knew, was small . But of course, to everyone else, it was not small at all.

Although Sam was also small, he was never as small as all the other small snails. He didn't know why, but he didn't mind either. Because in the small snail towne, no one cared about anyone else's differences and lived their own lives.

Sam the small snail lived alone down the street from his small snailfemalefriend Sammie. And across town from his small mom. Sam did not have a small father and never knew him. But small snail Sam was not sad. He never knew what it was like to have a father, therefore he did not waste his time in remorse.

One day, Sam was slithering down the small street to Sammie's small house, when suddenly a giant shadow cast over the small city street. Sam looked up to see what looked like a giant snail! He didn't know whether he should cower in fear or ignore it because there was no judgement in Sam's small city.

He started slithering away again, when the giant snail's voice boomed overhead.

"Small snail, Sam! Is that you?"

Sam looked up, startled. "Y-yes. I am Sam."

"I haven't seen you since you were an even smaller small snail!" The voice shook the city. "Do you know who I am?"

Sam shook his head, too scared to speak.

"I am your father, Sam! Haven't you ever wondered why you weren't as small as the other small snails?"

It all made sense now. Sam was not a small snail, he was a medium snail! A product of giant snail father and small snail mother! Elated, Sam the medium snail slithered over to his father's side and decided to go with him to live in the land of medium to large snails. Bringing Sammie and his mother, of course.

The end. 💖

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