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Last one was: *drum roll*........OURAN HIGH SCHOOL HOST CLUB!!! YAY!!!

First person to guess it right:


**Note: Up there is a video of a a bunch of videos of the upcoming guessing Anime series

Next scene (season 2 ):

Sawako: *in her seat*

Blond guy (forgot his name): *walks in classroom, goes over to his seat next to Sawako* Good Morning Sawako!

Sawako: *turns to him, tried to smile but turns out to be a creepy smile: G...good morning...

Blond dude: No! Do it again! Good morning!

Sawako: *does same thing, trying really hard* G...G...Good morning....

Blond dude: No! Again!

Sawako: *does same thing, every body watching* G...good morning...

Blond dude: No! AGAIN!

*they continue over and over*


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