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"Oliver, you shouldn't have said those words to Arianne," I said once seated at our usual lunch table

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"Oliver, you shouldn't have said those words to Arianne," I said once seated at our usual lunch table.

"I want to be popular, too!" Leila whined. She would never let it go. As long as she could see those popular kids at their table, she would always whine to be popular. I got tired, not just me—all of us, explaining to her that being popular was not worth it. She would never listen, so why bother?

"I have a joke!" Arkin raised his hand excitedly.

"That has to be good," Mitch warned.

I chuckled at Arkin's pouting. "Go on, Arkin," I told him, smiling. Mitch gave me a look that said 'you're joking'.

"Okay. Here it is. How many times does a star fish regenerate?"

"That's a stupid question," Mitch rolled her eyes.

"Just answer it!" Arkin whined.

"Well, the probability of it is..."

"Just give me an exact number. Don't act smart, it's a joke, Mitch," Arkin and Lesther chorused the 'it's a joke' part.

"I don't want to," Mitch said stubbornly.

"I'll answer, maybe uhm.. fifteen?" I guessed.

Arkin grinned at me. "Nope," he replied, popping the p. "It's only five."

"Five?" Mitch and I chorused.

"Yeah! Because it's a star fish! Get it? Star fish has only five little tentacles," he chirped enthusiastically.

We all groaned, except for Lesther who was laughing with Arkin and Mitch who said, "Was that really a joke? That's stupid."

"You're a kill joy," Arkin retorted.

"I gotta go," Oliver stood up from his seat and walked to the exit. I glared at his back. I wasn't done with him yet.

"See you, guys, later," I said and hurriedly followed Oliver. I heard Arkin shouted something but I wasn't able to understand it.

I scanned the hallway for Oliver. Why was he ignoring me? We hadn't gotten any normal conversation, which ticked me off. He could've just say to my face what was his problem instead of ignoring me. He's as stubborn as my bed-head whenever I woke up in the morning—messy. Oliver had a messy thoughts. I roamed around but I wasn't able to locate the blonde. He's too hard-headed.

"Oliver!" I called out, hoping he would somehow answer. "Oliver!" I called out again, but still no answer. "Come on," I whispered to myself, a little irritated now. I was planning on telling him about my feelings. But how could I tell it to him if we couldn't have a decent conversation? I had to clear my feelings for him first before I blurted out that the one I loved was my best friend. I knew that I would be breaking his heart. I knew all the prons and cons of it. I wrote it down and analyzed each one. And the sad part, it all ended on the decision of breaking apart. I wanted to tell it to him slowly but the way he acted towards me, I had to do some physical attack. When I located the blonde guy at the back of the school, sitting on one of the benches, I walked towards him. I glared at him and gave him a hard punch on the face.

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