the murder (izukus p.o.v first half)

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I was watching TV when my mom and dad had told me it was time for bed, I followed their orders but I wasn't tired so I was drawing till they come give me a hug and kiss good night but I was thirsty (A/N: not like that ya perverts.) So I got up with my big pastel pink bunny (A/N: almost like honey senpai's bunny from ouran high school host club.) And there was faint yelling and bangs as I walked down the stairs, "hisashi! Please don't leave!" I hear my mother cry out I was halfway down the steps, "I am sorry inko, but this the way it needs to be!" He yelled at her she was on her knees begging gripping onto his pants leg to the to where she would cause wrinkles for a few months I was confused "H-hisashi! Put the knife away please!" My mother yelled now not gripping onto his pants but crawling backwards towards the stairs I was standing there shocked I was in my own thoughts when a high pitched scream was heard I look to see my mom had a knife right in her chest left side where your heart is she was losing lots of blood I saw my father grab a gun and shoot himself in the temple now on the ground were two limp bodies I once knew as my parents the sparks in their eyes were gone they were know lifeless the bang was frighting to the point to where I was shaking as fat hot tears rolled down my face and my breathing was uncontrolable the police sirens grew louder as my breathing became thinner black spots where closing my vision I saw a man but he was blurry I let the darkness overtake me as I fall limp to the ground.

3rd P.O.V

The man known as Eraserhead was called in for his hero work it was 12:30 pm Now  he said he would there in a few minutes he arrived to see a male and female limp body's a knife in one's chest and and self-inflictated shot to the temple gallons of blood everywhere there was a young kid looked to be five years Years old very skinny his breathing was shallow he passed out and fell limp luckily he had an big pastel bunny or he would have needed to get stitches I jumped over the dead body's to get to the young boy to check his pulse it was there So he was good I picked him up he was way to light to be healthy I took him to one of the three ambulance's there they got to work on him making sure he didn't have anything wrong with him they just said he would most likely have nightmares, ptsd, and panic attacks but that's it.

After he woke up and was in the police station to be questioned

"What is your name, birthday, and birth parents name?" The detective asked, "m-my name is izuku midoriya, i was born july 15th and my parents names are Inko and his a hisashi midoriya." Izuku anwsered weakly, "alright, how old are you?" The detective spoke again, "I am 8 years old." Izuku states calmly while they all looked shocked at him he looked like a five year old.

A/N: if you are confused aizawa had to come to the house right when his hero work started so it took 30 minutes it was 12:30 pm july 14th, also the updates shall be sparatic thank you bye.

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