Seconds of insanity

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The seconds tick by forming into minutes. ticking by making a noise in the black abyss.

The seconds tick by forming into hours.making memories that have yet to be lived.

The seconds tick by forming days. getting older still living in the black abyss. voices reach my ears, bringing hope. then leaving me alone once more.

The seconds that once formed minutes, helped make hours. just to form days, which lead to the black, empty years left alone.

The black abyss, surrounding me. leaving me alone to think. oh the thoughts that string together.

Just to form a insanity to which know one can compare.

The seconds tick by feeding my insanity. helping it grow.

The seconds continue to tick by leaving me alone. left behind once more. reduced to a pile of rubble. sinking into a hellish nightmare. formed be my insanity.

Left alone, left behind. I can't here the seconds tick by anymore. just my screams that echo off of the nothingness.
Ok I'm so happy I have 23 views yes so


And... be. NINJAS!

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