Chapter 11

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Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, United States of America

When the unbearably hot Californian sun braised Nancy's skin, she knew she had arrived. She looked around her in awe. The hustle and bustle of Hollywood excited her. She thought she even recognized a few celebrities. There was a hotshot director strolling down Sunset Boulevard with his wife. A big-screen action star was dining at The Rainbow Bar and Grill. And a TV star was riding in a limo with the window open.

She smiled. After all this time, she had made it. With Ryan's help, of course. As soon as she thought of him, she got a little teary-eyed.

He would have wanted me to go on, she thought. It's what I promised him I would do.

On her way back to her hotel, she passed the Kodak Theatre. She would love to be a presenter at the Academy Awards one day. Maybe she could even sing on stage there, after winning the Academy Award for Best Original Song. And she definitely wanted to go visit the Staples Center, where the Grammy Awards is held annually.

Then, she passed by the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Hollywood Boulevard.

She walked past Celine Dion's star. Maybe Nancy would one day have her own.

A renewed sense of hope filled her. She had her whole life ahead of her. And she had so much life to live. She knew how lucky she had been. Not everyone is given a fresh start like this. Not everyone is lucky enough to have someone love her so much that he would give himself up so that she could be reborn to chase her dream.


When she returned to the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, she prepared to take a shower.

As the warm water bathed her exhausted body, she let out a sigh of relief. She was finally here. Yet, she still had a heavy heart.

She had cried almost nonstop during the long bus ride there from Canada. She was still in shock. She could not believe that Ryan had done something that noble for her. No one in her whole life had ever been kind to her, let alone done something of Ryan's caliber.

As tears ran down her face and blended with the steaming hot shower water, she pictured Ryan's handsome face.

Where is he now? She wondered. Is he bound to another demon like I was? Is he going to be OK? Would I ever see him again? He promised I would, but I'm not so sure.

She started to sob uncontrollably. She had never ached so much for someone before. But then again, no one had ever been so good to her before.

A few minutes later, she heard someone tap on the mirror. It was as though someone was in the bathroom with her.

Quickly, she turned off the water and stepped out of the shower.

Her heart jumped when she realized that someone had written a message on the steamy mirror.

Her eyes widened. Was it the Ocean King? Did he somehow follow her to Hollywood?

When she read the message, she was filled with relief. It was not the Ocean King.

The message read: I'm OK. Now go get 'em!

Her first thought was that Ryan was there with her. She looked around the bathroom, but there was no sign of anything or anyone.

She wrapped a towel around her body and went into her hotel bedroom. She was praying she would see Ryan again.

She prepared herself to see Ryan sitting on her bed, smiling at her.

But no one was there. She was all alone in her hotel room.

Ryan's guitar sat on her bed, the same place she had placed it.

Puzzled, she looked out the window. She could see the big Hollywood Sign in the background. But no Ryan.

She returned to the bathroom and studied the message on the mirror, which was fading quickly.

I'm OK. Now go get 'em!

Wiping her tears, she smiled. Ryan was telling her that he was OK. Somehow, she could still feel his presence. It was like he was right beside her, acting as her very own guardian angel.

Filled with boldness and determination now, Nancy headed over to the desk and picked up the newspaper.

She thumbed through the auditions section. She was looking for bands who needed lead singers.

Once more, she looked out the window at the big Hollywood Sign. Seeing it, she smiled. Before Ryan died, she had promised him that she would go on and chase her dreams.

And now, she was. She was on her way. He hadn't died in vain.

He died so that her life could begin.

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