Chapter 10

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Ryan and Nancy scurried through the cornfield. They didn't want to fly because that would make them stand out. But because they hadn't flown, they didn't know which way they were going.

All around them, the wind was restless. It was zooming through the air, knocking over cornstalks. Rain began to spill from the dark and stormy sky. It was a light drizzle at first, but then, it grew big.

Fat raindrops fell as Ryan and Nancy crouched by the muddy ground.

She held his warm hand, grateful that he didn't leave when she had told him to.

He looked at his watch. "Five minutes now. We should just stay quiet here and wait it out."

Nancy nodded.

He grabbed her hand. "I don't know what's going to happen, but on matter what, I want you to promise me something, Nancy. Promise me you'll go on and try your hardest in the music industry. Never let them snuff out your passion."

Her lips quivered. "I will, Ryan."

At that moment, the wind picked up, ramming into their faces.

Then, they heard something that made their blood freeze. The sound of churning water.

Above them, a raspy voice shouted, "Give me my bride!"

The voice was close, too close. Ryan's heart skipped a beat. He looked up. A towering wave was directly above them. It looked like a tsunami about to swallow everything in its destructive path.

Ryan grabbed Nancy's hand, and together, they stood up.

The wave was a powerful sigh to behold. It was tall and big enough to drown an entire town. Water dripped from it and splashed on the ground next to the two lovers.

Ryan glanced at his watch. One minute left until midnight.

He pushed Nancy behind him. "Run!"

She could barely hear him above the furious rushing of the wind.

"But what about you?"

"Don't worry."

Bravely, he raised his head, staring down the wave. "You ugly demon."

He took out the Vial of Seraphim, brandishing it like a weapon. "Come any close and I'll sic this on you."

The Ocean King in water form had no discerning facial features at all, but Ryan felt it was smirking at him, even toying with him.

Freezing water dripped onto Ryan. Soon, he was soaking wet.

Nancy stayed rooted to the ground, unable to abandon someone she cared so much about.

The wind and rain whipped Ryan's body, but Ryan was oblivious. He was too busy staring down his enemy.

Nancy held her ground, her long dark hair flying every which way. She would not leave Ryan by himself.

Impulsively, she reached in and kissed him urgently.

He returned the kiss, and then pushed her away. "Go, Nancy! Leave while you can."

"I'm not going to leave you," she replied. Soon, she was soaked too.

The Ocean King chuckled. "You will both be mine."

The rain began to intensify, but it wasn't because it was raining harder. The water came from the Ocean King adding his watery body to the fray.

Ryan glanced at his watch. "10 seconds," he shouted to Nancy.

Ryan stood his ground, glaring at the wave. "You're not going to get Nancy."

By now, the gigantic wave was barreling toward them, threatening to drown them both.

Ryan turned around and screamed. "Run, Nancy! Run!"

He then chucked the Vial of Seraphim at the enormous wave. Neither expected the potion to do anything, but a scarlet liquid flew out of the container, splashing the gigantic wave.

Neither knew what effect it would have on the wave, but it seemed to freeze it.

The rushing of the wind stopped. The wave's impending onslaught was frozen in place. Even its drippy water was motionless.

Nancy tugged on Ryan's arm. "What happened?"

"I think we froze it."

They stared at the monstrous liquid form in front of them. It towered above them like an overgrown oak tree.

Ryan inspected the Ocean King. Something seemed off. He wasn't sure they were completely in the clear yet.

He glanced at his watch. "Five seconds."

No sooner had he said that than the wave started to unfreeze.

Ryan was the first to notice. Without thinking, he pushed her out of the way.

Nancy fell to her knees, out of the path of the murderous wave.

As the wave inhaled Ryan, Nancy was filled with horror.

All she could do was watch helplessly as the wave ate her love.

She saw everything in slow motion. She looked at Ryan's face. He was mouthing something to her.

I'll see you again.

Nancy held out one hand helplessly, as though she could magically pull him to safety.

As the force of the water hit Ryan, knocking him off his feet, his digital watch beeped.

It was now midnight.

Nancy was free from bondage, but she had to escape quickly, before she could be caught again.

"Ryan?" she called out, tears forming in her eyes. "Ryan?"

But he was gone, eaten by the wave. He was really gone.

Nancy inspected her surroundings. A dead silence permeated throughout the debris-ridden cornfield, which was now completely destroyed. She could see no sign of the Ocean King or Ryan in the morning mist. Just a huge field that was soaking wet.

Her heart heavy, Nancy scanned her surroundings one last time. No Ryan.

He mentioned his guitar, Serena. She would go back to the hotel and retrieve his guitar. She would take care of it.

Nancy fought back tears, but they came anyway.

The beautiful morning mist gave her no comfort.

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