Romantic Day On The Beach

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Hey guys! It's brooke here, this is my first time writing on this account I'm sorry if I'm kinda bad at it but whatever don't mind that :))))) byeeee I hope you enjoy the story! Btw be sure to follow me on Twitter @fxckingperf_ and Jennifer on Twitter too @immatureshawn
Luke and you were spending a romantic day on the beach. Luke was in the water and you were laying on a towel in the sand. You felt water dripping slowly on your face and stomach. You open you eyes and Luke surprised you by hovering over you and he asked you "can you join me in the water?," He pleads " I don't really want to," you reply. He lays on top of you kisses your lips hungrily. "Okay okay," you give in. He takes your hand in his and leads you to the water. You guy wade out far enough from the beach so that no one can see you two. "so, why'd you bring me out here?" You ask, already knowing the answer. "So I can do this." He has a hold on your waist and pulls you close. Then he attacks your lips with his. He starts to take off your swim suit, but you protest. "No, I have to be wearing something when we get out." So he pulls down both your bottoms just far enough for him to thrust into you. You cling your arms tightly around his neck. That gave his easy access to suck on your neck, which only made you moan even more. You both climax in sync and ride out your orgasms. "Water sex is the best," he blurts. "Round 2 in the shower at home?," You wink "you're on!," He pecks your lips and races you out of the ocean. About a week or two later you start to feel a little bit strange. "Maybe I'm just sick or something," you think to yourself but you know something is wrong....totally wrong. You check on your calendar and you notice that your late. "OH SHIT," you screamed. Luke came running in the room like about to beat someone's ass. you tell Luke "um this isn't a easy way to say this but remember when we have the water sex and the shower sex and ect...," "Yeah," Luke said nervously. As you start you cry you say I think I'm pregnant. A moment of silence was in the room for at least 10 seconds. Luke said "let's go to the drug store and by some pregnancy tests," you get ready and your on your way to the store when you feel like your going to throw up. You scream "STOP THE CAR PLEASE!, Please pull over," you get out of the car asap and bend down. Luke asks" what's wrong," as you start panting. You throw up everywhere and you start sobbing. Luke says "let's get back in the car and go straight to the doctors," you say "okay let's just hurry up,". You pull into the doctors and wait for the doctors to call you in. You and Luke wait nervously. Luke thinks to himself "I'm too young to be a dad but I can't leave her I love y/n to death," the doctors call in y/n and Luke. You explain to the doctors how you think you are pregnant. The doctors ask"have you already taken the early pregnancy test," you say "no we just came straight here," the doctors give you the test and it comes out positive. The doctors give the news the 18 year old couple. They both start crying. "I'm way to young to be a mother speaking of mothers my mother is going to kill me," the doctors say that "you guys are ready to go home and wish the best of luck,"
They walk out on the way home you start thinking "Maybe this is a good thing like a miracle,". You automatically call your mom. you tell her that your pregnant and she's disappointed and sad that your so young to be having a baby, you tell her that your sorry. She's still cares about you and she still cares about Luke and she would do anything for them. She's trying to stay happy that there is going to be a little baby in the family. You tell your mom that you have to go any you will talk to her later. You start to talk to Luke and how he's feeling and he's feeling the same you are. 6 months past and your on you way to find out the sex of the baby and your surprised that Luke is still there caring about you in every way. He's really happy. You find out the the baby is a girl. You start to cry seeing how beautiful she is on the screen. You and Luke start to the of names for the baby like Jessica , Emma , Lexi and you both really like the name Lexi. Lexi Nicole Hemmings. You think it's the beautifulest name ever. 2 months past and you ready to have the baby you call Luke and say "Luke babe I think I'm ready to have the baby," his mouth drops. He's on his way to pick you up from band rehearsal and the boys are Coming along too! The get you into the car and on the way to the hospital. 9 hours of waiting little baby Lexi Nicole Hemmings is born. 6 pounds 2 ounces of joy came into the world happy and beautiful and you guys live all happy for the rest of your life's and grow old and have 100000 babies jk you get married in Sydney Australia and a couple of years pass and and you 2 more children..... twins!1!1!1! One boy and one girl and you live happily ever after the end
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well this was my first ever imagine I hope you like it :)))) please comment if you want me to make more love you bye dolls :)

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