Bonding two

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" Alright time for our seconding bonding game and this time the adults have to play no exceptions," Alvana stated.

" Yea so what are we doing?" Uma asked.

" We're doing two truth and a lie," Kadison said

" Females go with Kadison and males with me," Alvana yelled over the chatter.

" What next?" Stacey asked

" Were going to split you off into teams," Kadison said

" Uma , Mal and Addison," Kadison said

" Eliza, Loonie and Alvana," Contiuned Kadison.

" Stacey Lacey and Audrey," She announced

" Jane , jordan and bree." Kadison stated.

" Missy, Fairy godmother and Auroa." Kadison said

"Leila Belle and Evie," Kadison told the girls

"Dizzy, Celia and Zoey," Called Kadison.

"Evil queen, Ursala, and Cruella," Kadison ordered from the back

" Finally for the girls we have Wynter, willa and me," Kadison said

The girls split into their teams. While the boys stood by waiting

" Ben, Wyatt, Harry," Alvana said.

" Bucky, Jc, Chad," Alvana told the boys.

" Gil zed and Bonzo." She said

" Zevon, Dale, Adam," Alvana said

" Jay, Carlos, Doug," Alvana told them

" Hades, Dr.faciler, Smee," She said

" Sqeaky, squirmy, Tracey," She said.

A clear sound proof screen appeared separating the two groups.

" Mal and your group are team 1." Kadison said

" Evie your team 2."

" Stacey your team 3."

" Jane your team 4."

" Missy your team 5."

" Eliza your team 6."

" Leila your team 7."

" Dizzy will be team 8."

"Evil queen will be team 9."

" Finally willa is team 10."

" Wyatt team A." Alvana announced

" Bucky team B,"

" Gil team C."

" Zevon team D."

" Jay team F."

" Hades team G.".

" Finally sqeaky you guys are team H.".

A whiteboard appeared on each side one on the girls teams and one and the boys team with the team name written on them. Next a blue buzzer appeared in front of each team

" Each side will play five rounds whoever wins on the boy's side will play the winner on the girls sides and that will decide the winner." Alvana said.

" The team who is going will stand up front and they will right it on the board." Kadison said.

" The first team to hit the buzzer and gets it right receives one point all teams have to go for a round to be consider over." Alvana continued.

" Finaly each player can only do one thing for example say it was mal uma and Addison turn, Mal could do truth, uma could do the second truth and Addison could do the lie." Kadison finished.

" 3,2,1 go!" The two girls called together.

Girl's team
Mal, Uma and Addison stood and walked to the front each grabbing a different color expo marker.

1.I'm part Greek. Addison wrote
2. My mother threw me out the window as a baby. Mal scribbled down
3. My family used to be human but a curse from a sea witch turned us also into sea witches. Uma wrote last

The sound of buzzers being pressed at once filled the girl's side of the room.

A golden finger pointing down appeared indicating who pressed the buzzer first.

Celia smiled as she saw the finger over her head, "I think number 3 is the lie."

The two sides continued until it came down to Uma's and Ben's team. Unfortunately for the boys Uma's team won the game/

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