Chapter Ten

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"Don't get yourself killed, right?"

"Baisan, I didn't know you enjoyed my company that much," I said. Most of the others were asleep. I had decided to leave that very evening. It was a warm enough night, so it would be nice to climb into the upper city. The black tunic and pants I was wearing would help me blend in, especially when I reached the black stone walls of the Order's buildings.

I hadn't told Baisan where I was going, because I had never told him where I'd disappeared to years ago. That part of my life had remained a mystery to our little family. At first, I'd been holding back from telling them, but later it was just never brought up. Despite my early insistence that I would only be around occasionally, I quickly realized I actually liked the stability having a family provided. I understood why Baisan was worried about me disappearing again; I was his brother.

"I don't," he replied, though we both knew it wasn't true. "I'm worried about the girls, is all. They like you."

"I'll let you in on a bit of a secret, Baisan." I put my arm over his shoulders and lowered my voice. "I'm immortal. Besides, I know exactly where I'm going. I'll be fine."

Baisan rolled his eyes and pushed me away. "Go then. Be back tomorrow."

"Yes sir," I said. He just shook his head at my grin, and then turned to walk back into our building.

It was easy moving through the upper city. I still looked like a middle class foreigner, and so there was no need to hide in the shadows and duck away from guards. I got nervous every time a set of guards walked near me, but they never gave me a second glance. I reached the Order's wall sooner than I expected, and hesitated before starting up it. It had been years since I had last been over that wall. 

I didn't know what to expect. I didn't know if he would remember me, or if he would want to help, or if he'd even still be there. I had to take the chance, though. I could hardly go to any other Telt without running the risk of being arrested on sight, and any Native who could read would want in on the prize. Assuming there was a prize.

I slipped into a corner while yet another pair of guards walked past. Once I could no longer hear their footsteps, I started climbing up the wall. Before I knew it, I had safely reached the top and was working my way down the other side. The courtyard was deserted and perfectly silent. I could not see any lights from any of the smaller buildings. In the main building, some windows were still lit, no doubt because someone was reading old documents.

My memory had always been good, so I was confident I knew which window opened into his room. After making sure there was nobody around to see me, I began to climb up the side of the building. On the way up, I prayed quickly to Zianesa, hoping that he would still be in the same room. If it wasn't him and a stranger responded, I would have to be quick to get away.

I hesitated outside of the window that used to be his, instinctively eyeing an escape route, just in case. A quick drop to the windowsill below me, and then I would be far enough out of reach to climb down without being grabbed. Getting over the wall quickly would pose a problem, but I could deal with that if it came to it. I took a deep breath, muttered another prayer, and knocked on the glass. After a moment I knocked again. The window opened suddenly and before I could make even the slightest move towards my escape, I was pulled into the room. I was pinned against the wall with one strong arm, and a blade edge pressed against my neck. I froze, knowing that fighting would probably just earn me a slit throat.


My eyes widened when I realized it was Tannix's voice. It was deeper than it had been the last time I'd seen him, but still his voice. He let go of me and without his support, I fell to the ground, where I landed on my hands and knees. I ran a hand across my neck, feeling for a cut.

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