Chapter Twenty-four

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"It makes sense, doesn't it?" I asked, excited. "He's so high ranking that no one would ever suspect him of anything, and he has the means to help with the attempt. What did the letter say, that M would give information?"

Tannix shrugged. "Finn, it's ridiculous. He's been the director for so long now, if he'd wanted to kill the king, he could have done it sooner."

We were back home in the lower city. I paced back and forth across the small room while Tannix leaned against the wall near the door, arms crossed over his chest and eyes watching me. The three girls were there, across the room from us. Kassia was showing the two younger ones how to mend clothing, and they weren't paying attention to us. As soon as we'd walked in, I'd started talking. I couldn't hold in my suspicions any longer.

"But he isn't in charge," I pointed out. "He's just the asso..."


"Right, that."

"Yes," Tannix sighed. "That's what the letter said, but that doesn't mean anything. For instance, he tortured you for information." He noticed me flinch, but kept talking anyway. "Why would he torture you to get information about something he was already involved with?"

The question stumped me. I sat down in the middle of the room to think about it. When it was clear to Tannix that I wasn't going to talk, he pulled out the letter the men had given him. I watched him as he read. His eyes flickered across the page so quickly I couldn't understand how he was taking in anything. He groaned suddenly and refolded the paper.

"What is it?" I asked, distracted from my theory.

"My brother and father are coming to Zianna to watch my ceremony next week, but I was expecting my mother and sister to come as well."

"Why? What ceremony?" I asked. "And why are you disappointed?"

"The ceremony is to name me as a full member of the Order, which means that I'll no longer be in training. I was expecting my whole family to come, that's the tradition, and they should have arrived in a day or two. Now Tairia's not feeling well and my parents are delaying the trip to stay with her longer. Tandrin is still arriving on schedule, and my father will be here in time for the ceremony, but I shouldn't expect Tairia or my mother."

I tried my best to follow what he was saying. "So you're disappointed because she's sick?"

"Yes. That and the fact that I was planning on escorting Tairia to the ceremony. People will expect me to arrive with a lady. Which is nonsense, but with Tairia it would have been fun."

I laughed. "Is that allowed? Shouldn't your betrothed be accompanying you?"

"You would think so, but she isn't coming. So Tairia was my best option," he said. "And to be honest, I would prefer her over Lady Mayah."


"Because I don't know Lady Mayah," he replied. "And when I do finally get the chance to get to know her, I would prefer it to not be so formal."

"Oh, well, you could take Ninavi," I suggested as seriously as I could manage.

"What?" Ninavi looked over at the sound of her name. "What did you just say?"

"That I should escort you to a very important ceremony next week," Tannix told her. "You would fit in quite nicely, I believe."

Ninavi blushed and dropped her gaze. Stria and Kassia laughed at her. "I can't believe you'd suggest that, Finn!" She practically squeaked the words out. "I'm not nearly good enough to go to something like that, sir," she told Tannix. Her eyes darted at me. "But maybe you should make Finn dress up and take him."

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