Chapter 15

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When we're a block away from the hole entrance to the Underground Flint stops the car. 

"What are you doing?" I yell. "We need to get her to safety."

"I told you she couldn't come with us. We're safe enough to let you out without being caught. Now get out."

 I look to Lachlan and he nods, agreeing that he'll go with me. He picks up Lark, dragging her out of the tank. We had to sedate her to make her come with us after the Center brainwashed her against us. And for added precaution, Flint pulled a bag over her head. 

He doesn't trust her, and her being a first child, he sees no reason to be loyal to her. So he's kicking her out. And if Lachlan and I aren't careful, he'll kick us out too.  

"Tell Ash what happened, tell him we're okay," I tell one of the second children and he nods. I stare at Lachlan in disbelief as they drive away. "Can you biking believe that?"

Lachlan sighs, throwing Lark over his shoulder. "Flint's only doing what he thinks is right. But he's about to get us all killed in the process. At least,I know somewhere close by we can stay for the night until she's feeling stronger."

My heart drops when the subject is turned back to Lark. How can she be alive? I was there when Elena killed her! Was it all just a delusion? Lachlan seems to read my mind in the middle of the silence. 

He says, "Don't feel bad. You had no way of knowing." And I look at his sad face. He's realizing I'll have to make a decision again. And just as I decided to entirely be his, he's losing me again. Once again, he can see this on my face. "It's all gonna be okay, Rowan."

"Flint isn't going to kick us out, is he?" I ask to change the subject. Lachlan shrugs. 

"I don't think so. But we're on thin ice."

"Even after us being the reason he's about to see a forest? Doesn't he owe us?"

"I don't think Flint owes anyone in his mind," Lachlan explains. But I'm starting to concentrate on Lark again. 

"Did you see the way she looked at me?" I breathe. "She looked like she hated me."

"She's confused, Rowan. Who knows what happened to her in the Center?" And looking into his eyes, I can tell he's worried for Lark too. He never wanted anything bad to happen to her. He never wanted to win me over that way. 

"I couldn't blame her if she did hate me," I admit as we walk in the direction of wherever Lachlan has decided to take us. "I left her there all that time. I was free...I moved on." I try not to meet Lachlan's eye when I say that last part. "I just feel so terrible."

"How could you have known? Lark hates the Center just as much as we do," he insists, stopping in his tracks. I can't help but look at Lark's dangling body, so helpless. "With time, things will start to make more sense. And she'll start to understand. Besides, you're irresistible. When she wakes up she'll remember why she loves you." He winks, smirking at me as he says those sweet things. 

"You can't promise that," I say, but I can't help from smiling. I'm just glad she's alive. I'm just glad to have my best friend back. To be able to love again. 


After a somewhat long walk Lachlan stops at a beat down house in the very outercircles. It's covered in synthetic algae (not the same beautiful bright green the innercircles grow in their courtyards) and random garbage scattered throughout their yard. When Lachlan sees my hesitation he says, "She's a good person, despite the cards life has delt her. I promise she can be trusted."

Before we can knock on the door, the door is opened to see a plump woman with grey hair and a pink face. She looks angered and her face wrinkled with worry. I see a shot gun in her hand and I take a step back. She's wearing clothes similar to an old sheet draped over her body, plus holes for the arms and head. I see her face lighten as she looks at Lachlan. She's relieved it was us and not some greenshirt, no doubt. But her face becomes stern again as she sees Lark.

"Alive?" She asks. 

"She's drugged, that's all," Lachlan says. "She was a prisoner at the Center, but she's one of us."

I see the woman's eyes light up with fear as if the very thought of the place scares her. She has beautiful blue eyes with pink around them, probably from irritation but it makes her eyes pop. I realize that at some point, long before all her suffering, she must have been beautiful. 

"Well, get her inside," she agrees, propping open the door compassionately. She nods at me to welcome me in.

"This is Lark," Lachlan explain, setting Lark down on a piece of wood on the ground to serve as a table. "And her name is Rowan."

Lachlan shakes out his arms from the strain of carrying Lark for so long. He sits on the ground, trying to give himself some rest. I squeeze his shoulders gently. 

"You'r welcome to stay as long as you like. But I'm no good with medicine, there's nothing I can do for her," the woman explains, looking down at Lark. 

"I know, Obsidian. All we need is a safe place to stay for the night," Lachlan explains. The woman nods and I feel so bad for her, looking around at the small building she calls home. The place is falling apart. Other than the wood Larks laying on, there's some cardboard under a blanket, a small pile of clothes, and a fork. How can anyone live like this? She's a first child, but can't she come live in the Underground? Can't there be an acception? Obsidian sees me looking around and she musters a small smile.

"Don't feel bad for me, Darling," she says. 

"I just don't understand why you couldn't live in the Underground. I understand there has to be rules but... this is wrong," I insist. 

"Well, I don't have to live here," she says dismissively. "I'm a spy. And no, Flint wouldn't let me into the Underground even if I wanted to live down there. But don't think this dump is my only option."

"I'm sorry," I say, feeling embarrassed. I hadn't meant to offend her. 

"It's alright," she shrugs, looking around at her home in a distasteful manner like myself. "It's just another reminder of the rebellion happening right before our eyes. You don't even know who your own spies are."

She's good humored and lets out a chuckle. I want to ask her what made her join the rebellion but I hear a small noise come from Lark. I leap forward, taking Lark's hand. She's waking up. 


Sign the petitions. I'll be updating them tomorrow. Also I have a very unhealthy roblox addiction. 

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