Final Authors Note

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Hey. So, it has been a month or two since I've logged on. I always decide what I want each chapter to be about before I start writing the story and this was supposed to be the last chapter. I knew a year ago when I plotted this story for the first time that this was supposed to be the last chapter. But as I typed "Chapter 18" in mid-august I felt too overwhelmed, shut my computer, and didn't come back to this site for a while. 

I have written over half a dozen Eden fanfics in the last almost three years (I hadn't realized it had been that long until now). But it is this one that I have trouble swallowing the pill of ending. But It's not because I loved this story more (I actually didn't like this story very much) but because I don't know if there will be any stories after this one. 

I have a lot of ideas but I don't know if I like them and I don't know if you guys will either. I know my stories have gone downhill and I know you guys have stopped interacting- which is fine. This isn't me begging for attention, I don't need that, I'm just explaining the future of this account. 

I have started writing my own stories with my own character for years now and they're so much better than these fanfictions have ever been. I am very proud of myself as a writer, but I am not proud of this account. I am grateful for the Eden series because it gave me literally everything. 

I started drawing because I wanted to draw Eden fanart. I started writing because I wanted to make Eden fanfic. I named my cat after Lachlan because Lachlan literally owns my heart. Lachlan gave me a good male figure in my life when I didn't have one. Children of Eden and the entire series made me who I am, completely. Without a doubt. These books gave me so much that matters to me. And I can't help but feel like I'm betraying my childhood when I consider not writing fanfic anymore. 

But I feel like I've already let you guys down. And Wattpad has just turned into a place for me to publish my worst writing. Theres only so many fanfiction idead you can have until you're just repeating the same concept over and over again. But this was amazing writing practice. If I had started taking my original ideas and writing them with zero writing experience I would have ruined some really good ideas. So I'm grateful I got years of practice and feedback before I finally started writing original stories. 

I know this is starting to just sound like a goodbye, and that's because it sort of is. I'm not sure what the point of writing this was but I just couldn't not say anything. Wattpad was my home for so long. I can't just walk away without explaining why. 

I want to make it clear that it's not because I don't love writing- I still write everyday. It's not because I don't have the time- I do. And it's not because I don't love Children Of Eden- I always will. 

It is simply because I have outgrown Wattpad and outgrown fanfiction as a whole. It has become a waste of my time, to put it harshly. 

And I don't want yall who are somewhat new here to think I am one of those people who came on wattpad for a few months and decided it was ToO mUcH (even tho that is totally valid!). I have been on here for THREE years. Those first two years I published every week. I was constant. I was on this app everyday. I wasn't playing around and I wasn't a quitter. And I'm still not. I'm not quitting writing, I write for hours on the daily. All I'm doing is quitting Children Of Eden fanfic. It has been over two years since Rebels Of Eden came out. I was obsessed. Completely obsessed. I literally thought I was Rowan sometimes. I lived in the world of Eden in my head. 

But now, I can move on the way everybody else did years ago (although I must admit, Lachlan is still always on my mind). And I might keep writing fanfiction for a little while and kinda wrap it up. I'm not gonna cut yall off, I'll slowly back away. But take this as your warning, that it is ending and that this is probably the last time you will directly hear from me again. 

This has felt really really weird to write. I never thought I was sorta leave Wattpad some day. I couldn't have imagined it. A lot of me thought I would be on here forever. But now I'm moving on to bigger things : ) and I will still come on here occasionally and check my DM's so if you want my Instagram or you want to just talk, or maybe you need some advice, then let me know. I'm not gonna disappear. 

And this isn't suppose to be angsty by the way. I'm actually in a really good place right now. That is what gave me the confidence to write this. I'm doing really good, and I hope yall are too. Thank you for giving me my childhood. And thank you Joey for giving me my life. 

Okay, this made me really sad. It's time to say the words though.

Good bye for now : ) 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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