saving Sirius

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We knew what we had to do now we were flying Harry had convinced me to get on buckbeak so we could fly to the castle and save Sirius we were flying just over the castle as Harry started talking see it wasn't my dad I saw before but I knew I could do the spell this time because I'd already done it ...does that make sense ?"
"No and I don't like flying ahhhh I screamed as buckbeak flew down a bit . I hung on for dear life hoping I lived to be grounded tomorrow . We finally landed before making our way up to the tower I used bombards to free Sirius before we all flew out and towards the exit of the school . We landed and I walked away A bit so Harry and Sirius could say goodbye .
"I'll be forever grateful for this . "
"I want to go with you ." Harry said I smiled sadly "ah but you belong here and a life on the run is no place for a child it's tragic I got so much time with James and Lilly and so little with you . "
"Will I ever see you again ?" At this moment Harry sounded so young .
"Of course I'm not sure when but soon  I promise to write but you need to write to me as well alright pup ."
Harry nodded and we both watched as he took off on buckbeak flying through the clouds until we couldn't see him anymore . We then heard the clock chime and raced to the hospital wing we arived just as Dumbledore was shutting the doors "we did it ."
The head master looked back at us an eyebrow raised "did what goodnight . " We burst through the doors watching as our old selves left and we entered the room Ron looked horrified "how did you get there when I was talking to you there and now your there ?"
"What's he talking about Harry ?"
"I don't know honestly Ron how can someone be in two places at once."
I laughed at that before we both headed to our beds in the wing and promptly fell asleep from exhaustion.
It had been a few days since our adventure madam pomfry had finally let us leave and my dad's had requested I come down later to talk Harry and I had gone to check on professor Lupin to find out he had resigned I told him he had been the best dada teacher we had .
✨Later ✨
By the fate of Merlin my parents decided not to spank me since they said I was growing up and instead they thought being grounded for a month and confined to our quarters for the rest of term would suffice  . The time had been boring and papa was working hard to try and find Sirius since he was still technically a felon dad had talked with me about what I had done that night letting me know if I ever attack him like that again I would get a spanking no matter what age I was I agreed. Finally term was over I said goodbye to my friends and left another year at hogwarts done .

The end .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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