Chapter 6: Friends Become Enemies And Enemies Become Friends

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[This chapter has been edited]

(Midoriya's POV)
3 months later

I sat in my room in the dark, scrolling through social media when my mom came in.

"Izuku honey you need to get out of the house I'm worried about you"

"Dont worry mom I was just about to go meet some friends"

I lied. She gave me a reassured smile and left my room. I put on my black high tops, grabbed my black hoodie, and stuck some cash, a lighter and my box of cigarettes in my hoodie pocket before grabbing my phone off the charger and leaving my room.

"I'm going out!"

I yelled through the house.

"Ok sweetie stay safe"

I left the house and walked a couple blocks before pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. I've kept my addiction secret for this long now no sense in exposing it. I kept walking letting my feet take me wherever since all my friends thought I was crazy for hanging out with villains. Ever since that rainy night with Dabi he would some how find me and we would hang out every once in awhile. I puffed on my cigarette blowing the smoke out as I crossed a crosswalk. I noticed Iida, Uraraka, and Tsue walk out of a coffee shop, I put my hood over my head hoping they wouldn't see me. I thought I got unnoticed but because I'm an unlucky bitch Uraraka saw me and called out that stupid nickname she calls me.

"Hey Deku!"

I groaned turning around as Uraraka and the others made their way over to me. They all saw the cigarette in my hand and frowned.

"Midoriya what are you doing, cigarettes kill people"

I puffed my cigarette and blew it in her face making her scrunch her nose.


I put a crazy smile on my face and I could tell I scared her a little as she backed away.

"Midoriya that isnt very gentlemen like of you"

Iida protested as I leaned up against the building behind me trying to ignore them.


I could tell I pissed Iida off when saying that because just as I had brought the cigarette to my lips he took it and threw it on the ground, which pissed me off.


I yelled grabbing the attention of everyone around.


Iida yelled back.

"You wanna know why I've been acting strange?! How would you feel if something you need is unexpectedly taken from you?"

Iida punched me in the face.


What he said made me lose my shit, how could he not see how much pain and suffering I've been going through. I spit out the blood in my mouth, and looked back up at him with a sinister smirk.

"Keep this in mind while I beat the shit out of threw the first punch"

Because hes alot taller than me I grabbed his legs out from under him making him fall to the ground landing on his back. He gasped as it had probly knocked the wind out of him but I showed no remorce. I pounced on top of him and started beating the ever loving shit out of him. People crowded around as the girls started screaming at me to get off of him. I had managed to get in 3 good punches, even shattered the lens on his glasses, before someone pulled me off of him.

"What the hell Midoriya"

Aizawa. I looked at him with a glare, seeing the confusion  written all over his face, before turning it into a crazy eyed grin.

"Aww what a shame, I was just having fun"

I saw the color drain from his face as his grip loosened on me allowing me to pull away. I walked away shoving all the civilians, and quickly rounded a corner.

"Dude that was badass"

Dabi said coming out of an allyway that I just walked past.

"What can I say they pissed me off"

I said shrugging my shoulders and reaching into my hoodie pocket for a cigarette.


I said quietly but loud enough for Dabi to hear.

"Something wrong?"

He asked.

"I think I dropped my fucking lighter during the fight"

I sighed.


He brought up his hand emitting a small blue flame from it and I used it to light my cigarette. I puffed on it feeling a bit more relaxed.


"Anytime, now a friend of mine wants to meet you, and I want to know if that's okay with you"

"Lead the way"

He smiled and put an arm around my shoulder guiding me into the nearest ally. It was quiet between us till Dabi spoke up.

"You miss him alot dont you"

I looked down at the ground knowing who he was talking about.

"Yea, I feel like im going crazy, but I'm glad I have you as a friend, your probly the only reason I'm still sane"

He chuckled a bit as we rounded another corner. I began to hear a girl humming the Freddy Kruger song but didnt know where it was coming from.

"Ok so she's a bit crazy and she likes blood, but dont worry she said that since were all friends now she wouldnt attack you"

We rounded another corner and I saw a girl with blond hair, put up into 2 messy buns, and in a high school outfit. She stopped humming and looked in are direction. Immediately running to me.

"Dabi what took so long, I was beginning to think you forgot about me"

"Relax Midoriya got into a fight with some friends and heros came to aid the situation so I couldnt just walk out"

"Ex friends"

I corrected quite coldly before puffing my cigarette.

"Toga this is Izuku Midoriya, Midoriya this is Toga, are sicotic bitch of the group"

Dabi introduced us, getting a glare from Toga. Toga returned her gaze to me with a love sick smile as she spoke.

"Hi Izuku, I can call you Izuku right, since we are friends now"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night doll"

I replied shrugging my shoulders and puffing my cigarette again.

"Oooo I like him"

Toga said looking up at Dabi.

"I know right"

He replied with a chuckle. We walked around the alleyways laughing and joking around, and for once in a long time I felt happy.

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