Secrets out

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sorry this took so long!! been under a little stress but no worries! this calms me down :3 the vote ended and the first kiss goes to the other wybie! Sorry if you were hoping for real wybie >~< also when you first met the other wybie he called you N/N (nickname) but i've changed it to peach! you'll find out why in this chapter ;P again sorry for the wait, i should be more active now

~ mushroom-chan <3

Wybie walked you to your door. "hey thanks for hanging with me today" he said.

"of course! i love hanging out with you!" you blush realising what you just said. he blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "well.. i love hanging out with you too" he blushed. you both hid your faces and didn't make eye contact. almost as if rehearsed, you looked up at the same time, wybie speedily got closer and pulled you into a hug. you hesitated before wrapping your arms around him and giggling softly. he pulled back with a beaming smile "ok see you later!" he cheered as you said your goodbyes. you waved and walked into your home to see both your parents asleep on the sofa. this is the perfect opportunity to win 'good child' points. you grabbed a blanket and placed it over the two. you carefully tip toed up the stairs making sure not to stand on the creaky floor boards with little success. however the lack of noise led you to believe they were still asleep. you reached your room, quickly got into a big t-shirt and lied down. you yawned thinking about the amazing day you just had. THUD what was that? you sit up. 'is that a mouse?' you thought and you were right! you stood up and followed the little critter. 'of course! as soon as i lie down to relax i find an infestation!' jumping around the floorboards once again, you ended up in the living room. the mouse squeezed under the tiny door. you almost forgot your parents were asleep in there. you crept and knelt down at the door and opened it trying to prevent a squeak. 'no way.. i can't believe it! the tunnel!' you thought as the small gateway stretched to the otherside. you crawled through making sure to close the door behind you.

opening the second door you were met face to face with the other wybie crouched down right in front of you. you blushed at how close you were to him and that you were only wearing an oversized shirt that left you a little exposed. "UuUuhh w-wybie!um how-how's it goingggg" you tried to play it off as he smiled and helped your up. "better now your here!" he chuckled. you blushed and laughed nervously. "so peach i'm thinking it's my turn!" he said. "y-your turn?" you repeated confused. "yup! you went on a date with him and now it's my turn" he beamed. you blushed once more "was it a date?" you said with a little hope in your tone. "he certainly thought so!" you laughed nervously again. i don't know why you haven't noticed yet but how does he know about the 'date'??? obviously you're too flustered to listen to me though.. "s-so where are we going then?" you asked quietly

"well do you remember mr bobinsky? he used to live up stairs?"

"oh yes my mum told me about him.. moved to live with his son right?"

"yep! but he left all his jumping mice behind.. and they've made a life for themselves doing an animal only circus!"

"whoa! that's amazing! i'd love to go see it with you!"

"that's great! but i'm sure you don't want to go watch it in your pajamas" he chuckled rubbing the back of his neck. you blushed remembering what you were wearing. "um yea.. i don't have anything though.."

"oh right! your parents have left some spare clothes for you in your room"

you both went to your room and you found a yellow box with gold stars. you opened it to find a F/C jumper, some ripped jeans along with some black vans (if you don't like the clothes then you can change them w ur imagination~ this is just a suggestion.) you were about to start getting ready when you remembered Wybie was still in the room. "oh.. um do you want to wait in the living room?" you asked.

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