final moments together pt1 lemon

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this is going to be a lemon smut!! so be warned i guess!


"there is just one more thing i need to do before you leave.."

he took off his coat revealing a black button up tucked into some navy blue trousers. he rolled up his sleeves and stood up putting his knees on either side of you on the bed. his hands in his trouser pockets. your face burnt up. "what is i-" you were cut off with a pair of soft lips. they felt like silk. maybe they were. your eyes widened as he put his arms around you limiting any motion. your arms were stuck to your sides caused to Wybies strength, but with what mobility you had you raised your arms to his back and held him. there was around 30s of twisting and turning your heads before the kiss broke. wybie loosened his grip as you looked into each others eyes panting. your face was burning red. his ey- buttons were glazed over with lust and a bit of sadness? "wybie? what's wro-" you were once again cut off with a second kiss. must be one of these things he 'can't talk about'. you lace your hands together as you were lied down. he forced his tongue into your mouth, even though you would have granted entrance anyway, you were surprised and moaned into the kiss. you wrapped your leg around his torso bringing him into you. he smirked and bucked his hips making you squeal. you let go of each others hands and you began feeling up his toned body. seeing him in this almost business attire turned you on more than words could express

He began to kiss down your jawline and neck causing you to let out soft moans. you opened your eyes when you felt something pulling on your jumper. "can i?" he asked. you smiled looking away and nodded. he lifted your jumper and began to kiss up your stomach. you raised your arms to get the jumper off and once it was, you wrapped yourself around wybie. you began going at each other. sword fighting with your tongues for dominance. he of course won pushing you deeper into the bed. he broke the kiss and began to undress while you took of the remainders of your clothes. "your so gorgeous.." he said. you blushed and opened up your arms gesturing him to come over. he obliged and got back on top. he softly grinded and felt up and down your body. "are you sure.. you want this?" he asked once again "dead sure" you said smiling and pulling him closer by his neck. he chuckled and placed himself at your entrance. You took some deep breaths preparing yourself. he tensed up as he pushed himself in. he groaned. "ah~" he placed a hand over your mouth. "can't let her hear.." you had almost forgot about the beldam. you grabbed his hand that was over your mouth and bit it gently as he continued to pump himself in and out. it was taking all you had not to moan. wybie was letting out soft grunts and pants as to not alert the witch of a mother. your toes were curling up as you wrapped your legs around the felt boy. he began to go faster and your eyes were beginning to roll to the back of your head. wybie removed his hand from your mouth and placed it around your waist pulling you off the bed and into his lap. he began lifting and pulling you on to him. you gently pulled on his hair and he buried his face in your chest. you were quietly gasping in his ear which powered him up more. he began to lick up the middle of your chest occasionally biting your soft skin. he slid his tongue over your left nippal causing a gasp to escape you. he smirked seeing you reaction and started attacking your sensitive nipples. your eyes were glazed over with lust. "f-fasterrr~" you managed to say. he obliged and began going at an inhuman speed, reaching deeper and harder than you thought possible. the pleasure was almost too much for you to handle. to stop yourself from moaning, you bit and sucked on Wybies neck.

he harshly pulled you down one last time before releasing in you. you squealed into his shoulder and bit down. you flopped yourself on the bed panting heavily. wybie let out a sigh and looked at the hickeys and love bites he had left on your skin. he smirked. knowing that the real wybie is going to have a hard time believing that a boy in the wall gave them to Y/N. 'i'm so grateful i got to meet them..' he thought as you sat up and shyed yourself away. "acting shy now? heh, you weren't a moment ago." you smiled and giggled softly wrapping your arms around him once more. "let's get you some clothes on" he laughed. "arms up" he said emphasizing the 'up'. you sluggishly did as you were told. after getting dressed wybie got down off the bed and crouched in front of you.

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