Kidnapped! Part 2

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Still Kaminari POV

I started to wake up with a huge headache like something hit me. As i got up i noticed that i was chained and i was in a very dark room. Midoriya and Kirishima was there two. But they were still sleeping, they must of got knocked out too. But i couldn't see very much cause my vision was VERY blurry. I rubbed my eyes when i heard some laughs and giggles.

Kaminari: Who's there?!

'look whos finally awake'

I looked around to see a figure right in front of me, i couldn't see who it was cuz my vision was still kinda blurry. I rubbed my eyes some more.

Midoriya: S-sero?

Did i heard that right? Did Midoriya just said Sero? Since my vision was better i looked up just to see that Midoriya was right. That was Sero!

Sero: How was your rest?
Kaminari: Hanta? W-what happened? And where are we?
Midoriya: And most importantly, why are we chained up?
Sero: *chuckles* That's not important really... Oh you guys look so cute!

The look on Sero's face made me nervous, scared, and confused at the same time. Then i seen two other figures walking torwards us, looks like Sero wasnt alone.

Bakugou: Damn it Sero. I thought i told not to call Shit hair cute!
Sero: But hey. You cant lie that they are cute
Todoroki: I agree with Sero at this point. Seeing Midoriya's adorable face makes me wanna hug him like a teddy bear
Bakugou: tch... Guess i cant argue with that

I started shaking like crazy not knowing what the fuck is going on, why are we even here for? What do they want? Hanta walked up to me putting his hands on my face, which they were very cold.

Sero: What the matter Denki? You looked very scared, matter of fact all of you guys look like that....why?
Kaminari: W-why are we here? What do you want from us...?
Sero: Oh that a easy question.... Your love is what we want.
Todoroki: Yeah, we want you guys for ourselves
Bakugou: People tried to take you from us...even that raccoon eyes...
Kirishima: ...M-mina?
Bakugou: Yes her, Your always hanging out with her. I always ask to hangout with you but you always say that you have plans with that damn Mina!
Todo&Sero: Same goes for us.
Sero: Seeing you with a Jiro makes me sick....even you to Midoroya, Todoroki hates it when he sees you with Uraraka
Kirishima: W-what are you gonna do to us?!
Bakugou: We're just going to take care of you guys
Midoriya: B-but wont everyone would wonder where we are? Uraraka might look for us, even Ashido and Jiro
Todoroki: Shut up.....dont talk about them anymore or something might bad happen to them....and besides they're already here
Kiri&Kami&Deku: Wait what??
Sero: Cmon Bakugou lets go get them!


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