In My Arms

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Summary: After a long afternoon of physical exertion, you're delighted to finally call it a night. However, Julian Bashir has come to bug you with a romantic gesture.


I stumbled into bed, not even hesitating before letting myself fall face first into the mattress. That lovely squishy cot that had never felt so cozy before. I'd heard some people complain about the toughness of Cardassian beds but at that exact moment, I couldn't have imagined a mattress I would have preferred. It definitely beat the "calisthenics" program Worf had shown me that afternoon in terms of comfort.

My intimacy with my mattress was cut short, however, when I heard the signal of the com panel sound in my quarters. I groaned softly to myself. Dammit. Who was it now? I rose groggily from the messied sheets and called out a feeble "enter," before dragging myself into the main room. Just as I turned the corner of the arch leading to the living area, a mischievous looking Julian stepped into my quarters.

"Julian?" I asked fuzzily. He grinned at me, a hand behind his back.

"Hi there. I hope I'm not bothering you?" he asked. I shook my head without thinking, but then paused a moment. I was too tired to even give an honest response. Slowly, I conceded and give him a little nod.

"I'm glad to see you but... I'm really tired," I sighed. "I asked Worf to show me his calisthenics program in the holosuite; it totally wiped me out. I was gonna go take a nap, but then I got called to take over someone's shift early. I'm exhausted."

"Oh," Julian said softly, visibly slumping. "Well. I'm sorry to hear you're so tired, it sounds like you've had a long day. I did want to come and give you these, though." Julian's hand peered out from behind his back, and before I could react he timidly flourished a bouquet of lavish red blooms. I took a couple steps towards him and reached out to finger one of the merlot colored petals. It was cool and supple, but strong enough to be snapped like a succulent leaf.

"That's... so sweet," I said, and I carefully took them from his hands. He smiled.

"I wanted to tell you that I really enjoyed our date the other day," he said quietly. "I saw a merchant from Bajor on the promenade today selling native flowers. These ones reminded me of roses, and I thought you might like them."

"I do," I sighed, genuinely tickled by his affection but too tired to be as appreciative as I normally would be. "I really do. How did you buy them, though? You don't carry money around, do you?"

"Don't worry about how I got them. Point is, I thought you'd like them," he said, diverting the question. I decided not to probe and I stepped forward to give Julian a gentle hug. He gave my back a rub and pressed his cheek against my hair. It felt nice.

"They're beautiful," I said softly, and I slowly pulled away to get a vase from the replicator.

"I don't want to bother you too much," Julian began once I'd stated the command to the replicator and it formed an elegant, albeit simple violet vase, "but I was wondering if you'd like to go out for dinner again some time?"

"Oh... Julian," I sighed gently, gently placing the flowers inside the container as I ruminated on a response. I liked him a lot, and after that date, I learned that we'd both been secretly attracted to each other for months. I undoubtedly wanted to keep things going. I crossed the room and placed them on a low coffee table. "I'd love to go on another date with you, but... I don't know that it's best to make plans when I don't know my schedule yet next week."

"Well, what about tomorrow night? You don't work on Saturdays do you?" he asked. I smiled.

"So soon?" I giggled, but I shook my head. "I have an appointment with Dax tomorrow evening I'm afraid."

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