Chapter One-hogwarts Express

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It's their 7th year at Hogwarts and Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione were all in a compartment on the Hogwarts express. On the other end of the train was Pansy, Blaise, Theo and Draco. 

With Hermione:

"Oh bloody hell, I'm starving." Ron said as he sunk himself into the seat. Harry chuckled. "Ronald you just ate before we left!" Ginny exclaimed. Hermione ignores them as she sits down and gets a book out of her bag to read for the journey. "So?" Ron asked. "I'm still hungry." The two of the started arguing. "What are you reading, Hermione?" Harry asked. Hermione, looking up from her book, says "Hogwarts, A History." "Again? Goodness 'Mione how many times have you read that?" He asked. She replied shrugging "a good few times, I mean you can never learn too much right?" "I'll give you that one." He said. "Well," Hermione said closing her book and standing up "I'm going to go for a walk and get some water." Ron who had stopped arguing with Ginny looked at her and asked "where are you going?" "I'm going for a walk to get some water." She replied. "Oh I'm coming! Your not leaving me here with them." Ginny protested shooting up from her seat. Hermione laughed as she left. "Come on then Gins."

With Draco:

"Another year at Hogwarts." Theo said as they all sat down." yeah, but luckily it's our last year." Draco commented. "Oh come on you two, it'll be fun won't it Blaise" giving Blaise a stern look as she said this. Blaise, a little scared, replied with a simple "yes" as he moved a bit away from her. "yeah, yeah, fun." Theo said sarcastically. "What shall we do for fun then pansy?" "Well we could do what we normally do, make fun of Potter, Weasleys and Granger." "Yeah, well I'm going for a walk. To uh clear my head." Draco said as he left the compartment. Whilst walking he stepped into the trains kitchen to get some water when he seen Hermione and Ginny laughing. "Well well, if it isn't Weaselette and Granger." They both looked round. "Malfoy." Hermione said as her and Ginny grabbed two bottles of water each and tried to leave. Draco stepped in front of Hermione to stop her leaving. "Malfoy! Move now!" "shut up Weasley."Draco said, not turning around. "Just go Gins, I'll be fine, I mean it's only Malfoy." Hermione quickly said before Ginny could get a word in. Then giving the girls a startle Theo cleared his throat before saying "You sure about that granger?" Ginny sighed "Just get out of the way, both of you." And grabbing Hermione's arm pushed her way past both of them. Theo and Draco, both pleased with themselves, smirked and went back to their compartment in wait of the arrival of getting to Hogwarts. Draco muttered under his breath "This is going to be a fun year."

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