• C H A P T E R 2 •

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"Hello Y/n. I'm Jimin, your doll"

You backpedaled, shocked, you didn't even think that the doll could even talk, let alone speak proper sentences.
After composing yourself and making yourself presentable, tho he had seen you all messed up.

"Hello Jimin. Btw you can talk?"

"Yes. I'm basically a robot but I have human emotions build inside me. I can do what Every human being can"

You were amazed. Literally amazed. What you thought they would deliver was just a doll but this was out of your imagination. And somehow this doll was making your cheeks heat up for unknown reasons.

"So.. you should come out from the box. I need to keep that away in the storeroom"

You looked at how he took a step and Another like a real person would. You were still debating if he was really a robot?

After keeping the boxes away and telling him to take a seat on the sofa you finally came back and sat adjacent to him as he smiled at you.

"You really are a robot right?", You implied again

"Yes. I am and my name is Jimin", he winked at you. Oh my. You were caught off guarded.

"Did you just winked at me?"

"Yes. According to the choices you made, I am created the exact way you want. Pink hair, eye smile, flirty yet comfy, good to around, sexy-"

"Oh", you stopped him from saying anything further than that. You really can't blame him as the way he said, the choices were yours.

"What's your full name?"

"Park Jimin, or you can give me a nickname or can call me daddy"

You chocked on your juice that you had just took a sip of. You looked at him, eyes matching into the shape of an egg. Again, you can't blame him.

"U-I, it's better if I call you Jimin"

"That's good too"

"So what are the things you can do as a robot?"

"Like I said before, I can do everything that humans can, the human emotion system is also build in me. Besides I can cook, do house hold chorus, can also have a bath-"

You cut him off again, "you can bath? Will it not short circuit your system?"

"Nope, I'm waterproof"

Again, you were amazed by him. The company who make this type of advanced robots are sure are a hi-tech ones.

"Y/n, can I say something?"

"Yes go ahead, why are asking?"

"In case you get uncomfortable"

You internally squealed at his words. He sure was a robot but the way he acted was just like a human, just the type you like

"It's okay, go ahead"

And you regretted the very next moment.

"You aren't wearing a bra"




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