Non disaster dinner

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A b o u t   t w e n t y   m i n u t e s   l a t e r                              

Samantha walks in the kitchen with stephanies baby and sits down

Samantha-So...? what were guys whispering about

Max-Whispering?? we were talking

Samantha-Max looks at my face and see if theres dumb all over it there isnt because it on your face

Joseph laughs "Damn"

Samantha gives the baby to Stephanie

Samantha gets up and gets cups

Samantha-What do you guys wanna drink?



Samantha laughs "Don't be shy guys we"

Max-Get me a water babe

Joseph-What kind of juice


Joseph-I'll take it

"Ok" Samantha pours lemonade into a cup and fills the other with water

Samantha-Here ya go

Samantha walks back to the fridge "What flavor babe?"

Max-Uhhh surprise me

Samantha "Ok..where are they"

Max-They should be down there..

Max walks away from the stove and points at the bottom drawer

Samantha-Jee thanks

But samantha gets him back by bending down right in front his..

Max looks very frustated and walks back to the stove awkardly Samantha laughs and gets the water

Stephanie-Ew come on guys really

Stephanie-And..please tell me you sanatized the kitchen

Joseph looks at stephanie confused "What?" he said to her

Stephanie-I rather not say

Samantha sits down "Oh come on stephanie were not that gross i wiped down the counter...twice"


Joseph finally realized and his face repulses

Joseph-Ew ya nasties do it in the bed like normal

Samantha looks at joseph
"Oh but where the fun in that?" Samantha says seductively and softly

And jospeh kept quiet

EVENTUALLY max puts a pot of Enchiladas and beans on the table

Samantha-Ugh if i wanted beans i wouldve stayed home..

Max looks at samantha annoyed she smiles

Samantha-I'll eat them but don't blame me when they start hitting me

Max laughs

Max-Oh i forgot plates

Samantha-It's ok i'll get them and besides you can't reach them

Stephanie-And that's on being short

Max-I'm not that short

Samantha-Max..your like..5'0 i'm 5'5

Joseph-Guys come on lets not get into a small argument here..

Stephanie and Samantha laughs at the same time and Joseph a second after they bursted laughing

Samantha hands there plates to them

Samantha-I'm just kidding babe

She gives him a quick kiss on the cheek

"Oh are you really" Max said annoyed

Samantha-Yes i'm sorry i'll make it up to you ok?

Max-It's fine

Stephanie- (Oh god)

Samantha serves Stephanie and joseph and Max and then serves herself

Samantha-Is there jalepenos in here?

Max-Of course babe i know how much you like spicy food

Samantha smiles sweetly in awe and they eat..

T H E   C O N V E R S A T I O N    S T A R T S                              

Max-Whoa this is spicy


They both chug there water

Joseph and Samantha looks at them and at the same time they say


Samantha-Come on it's NOT EVEN SPICY!

Joseph-Yea it's nothing

Samantha looks at stephanie

"Your overreacting" Samantha said very annoyed

Stephanie- It is

Samantha sighs and gets up and get two glasses of milk and hands it to Max and stephanie and the whole time she did that Joseph could not take his eye off Samantha and stephanie knew because she caught him but didnt do anything while max was busy chugging his damn La croix and milk

Samantha laughs "Max slow down if you keep doing that your gonna get sick"

Max stops and says ok

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