ch. 6

674 34 14

re-edit on 7/11/21

Recently re-edit on 8/29/23

January 31st, 2016

Today is my big date with Yuri and I  was truly excited. Right now I am writing as we speak as Natasha, Ava, and Neil were going to come over to help me with an outfit for my date tonight...and to be completely honest... I am a little nervous... it must be a few butterflies in my stomach that all.

Should I go with Yuri?

On this date?


Oh... save by the bell, catch you tomorrow morning!

Sierra 🖤

Rushing up from the couch and heading to the door, I opened the door, and Natasha,  Ava, and Neil all gave me big smiles and cheers. "Что случилось, мои суки!" [ What's up my bitches!] I shouted out to them bringing them all in for a group hug as they did just that.

"Итак, где ваша одежда и все, давайте начнем!" [ So, so, where are your clothes and everything, Let's get started!] Ava said to me as she was the first one out of the group hug.

"In my room? Do you want anything to eat? Drink?" I ask out to them as Neil stops me turning me to my room. "I got the drinks... go show us some outfits!"

"Alright... come I will show you!" I said to Natasha and Ava as we headed to the room. "Sorry if my room is a little messy... I just got done with work, I have my computer and everything on my bed... I got up early to do some work, and talk with my teacher!"

"It's fine... no problem... your room is fine... show us your outfits!" Ava asked as I pointed towards my suitcases as I sat down on the bed and Natasha sat next to me.

"Нервничаю сегодня вечером!" [Nervous about tonight!]

"Просто несколько бабочек здесь и там ... но ... я в порядке" [Just a few butterflies here and there... but... I am ok]

"No need for that!" Neil said coming into the room with four wine glasses in hand. "This will make you better, here drink babe!"

"Ты повторил это снова, как в прошлый раз? Я не хочу бросать все в своем туалете" [Did you spike it again, like last time? I don't want to throw up all in his toilet ] I snap at her as she shakes her head at me as Natasha takes my glass switching it with her.

"I will get it... now... Ava, what have you chosen for our lucky lady tonight?"

"She has three suitcases.  Mix with all the outfits for every season here in Russia... for fuck sake Sierra, all these outfits that you have are not brand new?"

"Hey! I know am an American, but... I like to save money and not buy expensive stuff like those girls back home!"

"I can see!" Ava said under her breath as I slapped her. "I have a couple of cute things in there... look," I said putting my glass down as I unzipped my bag and then showed them three outfits.

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