Oh La La Paris!!

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What a wonderful day in Saudi, whenall of a sudden oir teacher Mr. Williams said "We will be traveling to Paris for a photo shoot adventure!" Everyone was super exciting that they shouted "YAY!"But then Mr. William announced that "It depends on your parents if they will let you go to Paris and if they will pay for the trip." Then everyone was in a shock, while I was handing out the forms for the Trip to Paris. Well it was time to go home and Richard, Riley, Camron and myself had made a plan....


Our plan was that we would beg our parents for us to go to Paris and we had a time. We had time to beg our parents for the trip from 4:00 all the way to 6:00. Then they all have to come to my house at 6:30. Then after that we all went to the Public Library right around the corner. There we would discuss about "The Trip to Paris" and what our parents said...


We all went to the library and sat down on to a table right next to a big glass window, where you could see the bright SKY!! Then we all stared at each other for about 5 minutes, when I busted in and said "Let’s start talking I will go first." They all nodded. I said "My parents said a big NNNNOOO-YESSS! I am going to Paris!!" They all said "COOL because we four are also going YES not kidding!" I said "WOW but how did you all know that your parents said YES...” "Well you see we were on our way to your house when we bumped into each other and our forms fell and we saw each other’s forms. That is how we knew each other’s" answered Camron. "OK I see so we will meet tomorrow!" I exclaimed with excitement.


Yeah it was the day where we were going to Paris, France!! Mostly the whole class was going except for Farkle. QUICK AUTHOR'S NOTE: Farkle = Aaron (AEroxever)... Farkle could not go because he was air sick. (By air sick I mean like airplane SICK.) So we reached the airport in about an hour. We went to our gate and had to wait for another hour at the gate. While we were waiting The 4 Friends were making plans of what they will be doing there in Paris and making pictures. Well they announced that our plane to Paris. We 4 rushed in the airplane and got our seats, our seats were all together and it was in the middle business class!! Our flight from Saudi Arabia, Dammam to Paris, France was about 6 hours. We reached Paris and went to our hotel to rest before our trip. Our hotels name was “Novatel”.


We all had groups my group was The 4 friends group and no one else. We could go anywhere but had to come back at the hotel at 8:00 or 9:00. So we had passes to go to theme parks and more. We first went to The Paris Disneyland and there we made pictures with all the Disney characters such as Mickey and Friends, The Disney Princess and lots more!! We made an awesome picture of The Disneyland Castle we went on some rides and made videos and pictures. Next we went to Asterix Park, there we got to made pictures with Asterix, Obelix, and there puppy and more characters. Also videos and pictures of rides and figures plus statues. Then we went to the famous Eiffel Tower and made pictures there and lastly we went to the Louvre Pyramid, we also went to some other amazing sight views and also went on the river where you can see the great view of the Eiffel Tower!! We ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner outside in some famous restaurants!! We made some great videos and pictures that were posted on our BLOG and The Famous Newspaper that take pictures of amazing views with people in them (The people in our pictures were us) they took The 4 Friends picture and made their pictures and a little bit of them famous.


We had an amazing time in Paris it was romantic as always, The 4 Friends had an amazing experience with themselves and their pictures. They loved it and had a lot of FUN!!! :) :P ;) 

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