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( Ellie's POV )

I woke up because of the sunshine streaming in through the windows. Someone had opened them and the sunlight was right on my face

It wasn't unpleasant. I closed my eyes enjoying the moment and letting the heat wash over me. Heat........heat!!!

The kiss!! The kiss. I jumped up in the bed and quickly glanced around. I was all alone. It seemed that I was the only one who slept in this bed. Well atleast he had some good qualities.

I quickly cleaned my self up only to realize that I had no idea what to wear. I could have worn some sweat pants and a baggy top but this was Micheal Taylor. You don't wear those when you're with Micheal Taylor.

I was starting to get exasperated. I just grabbed a pair of shorts and a top about twice my size and got dressed. If he wanted me to look fabulous he was going to be disappointed.

I walked out of the room making sure lindsay was still asleep and surrounded by pillows. He was there. His hair was wet and he was in a bathrobe. After a short while admiring him I walked up to the table where he sat and sat down in a chair next to him.

He didn't even look up. "Good morning" was all he said. "Morning" I mumbled back. He pointed at a bunch of food platters. "I didn't know what you like so I ordered all." It was amazing how he seemed to almost read my mind.

'Did you eat' I was itching to say it but I just started walking back to the room. "Where are you going?" I slowly turned around.

He was looking up now and his eyes looked over me from the top of my head with it's messy hair to my bare feet. Finally he looked back into my eyes and a spark seemed to go through me.

Suddenly he was in front of me. He smelt of aftershave and soap. The smell was almost intoxicating but not overwhelming.

He reached out and held my hand and drew me closer so gently you would have thought I had moved on my own.

"You should eat" he said. "You need your strength to deal with Lindsay." Obviously he cared about Lindsay. Not me.

After settling me in a chair he proceeded to serve me. But I was never much of a eater and he chuckled silently at the amount I had taken to eat.

"Feeding you is going to be cost effective. I better start eating if I have to finish all the remainders." I looked at the large amount of dishes that were there and looked back at him, my eyes wide with amazement.

He was laughing. "I eat a lot." He made it sound like an excuse. "You don't say." Was the only thing I could think of saying.

He was still laughing as he sat down to eat. "I have something to ask you." So much for a quiet meal. I looked up at him. " Yes?"


( Michael's POV )

"Yes?" She was looking up at me with those eyes. They were really something. I had to resist the urge to kiss her right then as I had to before when she was leaving without eating. I took the velvet covered jewellery box and gave it to her.

She took it, opened it and looked at me with shock plain on her face. She looked at the box again. At the simple ring with it's delicate diamond design nestled in the satin cushion. It was platinum and I had asked for a blue box so that the ring would stand out.

"Is it..." She trailed off. "Real?" I asked she looked up at me. I saw right through her. It surprised her as much as it surprised me. She looked down at the ring and looked at me again. The amazement was gone from her eyes. Now they were full of questions.

"Why would you?" I was at a loss for words. I don't know why I did it. Sure there were minor reasons but the truth was I wanted to give her something she would have forever. But I just said, "You're my wife. You need something to show for it."

For a second I thought I saw disappointment in her face. But then she reached out took the ring and started putting it on. I grabbed it away from her as fast as I could. She looked at me frozen with surprise.

"I'm sorry" she stammered "I thought I was supposed to...." She stopped talking as I got down on one knee. Hard to look macho and do that in a bathrobe, I'll tell you that. "What are you..."

"Ellie Mendoza, would you do me the honour of being my lawfully wedded wife?" I kept my eyes fixed in her lovely brown ones. As they went from surprise to disbelief to so many other emotions I couldn't recognise.


( Ellie's POV )

" lawfully wedded wife?" Were the only words I heard. Wife. The word seemed to echo in my head. I didn't know what to think.

I didn't know whether to be angry that he was having fun in this situation. Or whether to be happy that the whole tradition thing was so important to him.

He kept staring at me. I hadn't managed a word yet. But finally I whispered, "Yes." He silently slipped the ring onto my ring finger kissed it and stood up.

I kept my eyes firmly focused on the ring. He kept standing in front of me. He was so close I felt his breath on my face.

I muttered something about the baby and turned to go back to the room. But he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him so hard that we ended up switching places so that he was closer to the room.

He wrapped his arm around my waist. Suddenly I became aware of how thin my top was.

I felt every contour of his that fit perfectly against mine. I looked up at him in surprise. "What are you...." He never let me finish.

He bent his head down and kissed me. Remembering how he had kissed me last night I prepared myself for his slow assault.

But it was nothing like before. He kissed me like there was no tomorrow. Like the world was burning down around us. He was so much stonger than me. And though I replied with all I had to give, it wasn't long before he had me backed up against the cold tile of the kitchen counter

But he didn't stop there. He carried me and lifted me up onto the counter. We let out all our pent up frustration at our situation and the chemistry between us, releasing an explosive amount of heat. There was nothing but our need to let go completely.

Suddenly in the back of my head I heard a noise. It wasn't an earthquake but it was all I needed to break free of my reverie.

I pushed Micheal away. "What???..." He still held on to my waist though he had stopped kissing me.

"Shh.." was all I said. Then I heard the noise once more. It was the baby. I slowly pushed Micheal away, dropped down from the counter and practically fled back to the room.




GIRLA 1998

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