•~ introduction ~•

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The warners
In a WB. Studios there was a water tower in that water tower lived the Warner brothers and their sister dot. The trio were not normal children, no they were a little... Ok a lot different to a normal child. Their skin... Fur...was completely black and only their face was white.

Each Warner had something that would represent them, for example the eldest sibling, Yakko Warner, had long brown pants on with a belt around his stomach area holding up the pants.
The second eldest sibling, Wakko Warner, had a red baseball cap on his head which was also turned the other way. You could say that the hat was 'glued' onto his head because no one ever saw him take it off. Wakko also had a sky blue turtleneck but wears no pants.
The youngest sibling, Dot Warner, was the only girl of the three and also the youngest. She wore a beautiful flower to keep her ears up and together and finished of with a beautiful pink dress which was just adorable!
Together they lived in the water tower as their characteristics were a bit all over the place but zany pretty much says it all. These kids were the zaniest on the entire plant, they would go everywhere when they had the chance. They'd been around the world more times than one direction! But then soon they would just get caught shoved into a net by the security guard Ralph and then put back into the water tower. Honestly they didn't mind the water tower anymore, it was their home, anyway when your locked in somewhere for 65 years you grow to like it. Their home was basically like the Tardis, small on the outside and huge on the inside. Including a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, ext.
Mr.Plotz didn't really like the warners, they were just way to crazy and of course no director dare work with the warners that was considered the worst of all jobs at the studio! Weed Memlo, the first director of the trio, had started with the three of them in the old buddy cartoons and Plotz then decided to fire buddy so the warners could have their own show and plus buddy was getting old at that point. I mean Plotz was making the worse decisions ever, once he let Wakko direct a cartoon.... Like.. Who does that?!?! And why?!? Anyway not the point I'm trying to make the point is these kids were not right in the head they were the crazy kids of the cartoon world, and let me tell you this you will not get a bunch of zany children like the Warners... Anyway let's start with the tale shall we?

I don't care what that answer was I'm starting anyway because why not...


☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Hope you guys are gunna enjoy this as much as I enjoy writing it! I don't know when I'm gunna update it it what but yea this is the introduction and chapter one will be coming soon

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