Chapter 14 - Killer

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After the call with my Cupcake, I'm immediately forced to go with my brothers to get the fuckers that attacked one of the clubs we own. There's been trouble going on there for a while now, but few months ago we finally found out what was actually happening. Of course, I was involved in the interrogation, like usual. The son of a bitch that betrayed the club with his boss a while ago has given us one name – Lincoln.

Key's been working really hard to find who it might be, searching through the regulars and hang-arounds that visited the club throughout the last year. There was only one guy that would come to the club and visit the boss every single time.

Using the same face recognition program that Finn created to find the fuckers that hurt Lia, Key managed to find that whole Lincoln guy.

When the guy came to the club again, we were ready. Arthur, whom we've started calling Jinx because of his bad luck, planted a tracker on the guy's car while he was busy in the club. Then, using that tracker, Key followed the son of a bitch, finally revealing who he is.

He's not Lincoln.

He's from Lincoln.

Fucker's a Sergeant of Arms of the Red Sinners, an enemy club from Lincoln in Nebraska. They're fucking assholes, trying to claim more territory than they can manage. They used to be our allies, but after their last Prez died few years back, his son started to make enemies left and right. He wanted to expand the club's territory and get much more influential, but not everyone appreciated it.

During his reign, Snake got rid of two small clubs in Nebraska, then tried to intercept various gun runs and attempted to take over the drug market on the east of the state.

But now he poked the wrong bear.

Shadow Warriors are not to be messed with. Messing with our business, sabotaging our people and stealing our profit is a declaration of war. And having a club filled with military men as your enemy is not the smartest move, especially when it has over 20 different chapters all over the country.

Tank tried to deal with this diplomatically and talk to the Prez of the Red Sinners, but the guy didn't even want to listen. He straight out told our Prez to fuck off, which was not the best idea. Our Prez might be a soft man to his Treasure, but he's one of the most vengeful people I know. He didn't like it when Snake didn't listen to him.

So now it's time to make him listen.

Shadow Warriors' way.

The ride to Lincoln takes a few hours, and with every increasing mile between me and my Cupcake, my thirst for blood increases. Those fuckers from Red Sinners are the reason I can't be with my woman now. They're the reason I can't keep my promise about her surprise. They're the reason I won't see Cupcake's cute face for two fucking days!

And they'll pay for it.

You don't take killer's woman from him and get away with it.

I'm ready to hunt.

Tank gives us a sign to stop just before we enter the town. We all dismount our bikes behind an abandoned warehouse and wait for our Prez to give orders.

"Okay guys! We know what we have to do. Red Sinners fucking stole from us, sabotaged our business and even managed to get our men to betray us! No one messes with Shadow Warriors and gets away with! We will make them pay!"

"Sir, yes, sir!" We all salute.

"Gun, what's the plan?" Tank turns to the VP. Gun has the highest military rank out of all of us and he's the most experienced with strategies and stuff.

Gun steps up to Tank then turns to face us. "We surround them. Tank, Don, Wolf and Blood take the east side, Shovel, Knife and Tiny take the west. I will go with Texas and Eagle from the south. On my sign, we open fire. Sniper, find a spot to your liking and finish everyone that manages to escape. Killer, you wait for the Prez and VP. Once they're there, you bring them here. We're not going to take them with us to Walford, so you'll have to get creative with whatever you can find here to play with them. Are we clear?"

"Sir, yes, sir!"

"Let's get them!" We all cheer loudly.

Everyone goes to their designated spots, while I hide behind the corner of the building Sniper's perched on.

Then the mayhem starts.

The sound of gunshots as the bullets fly through the small shaggy clubhouse of the Red Sinners brings me back to my time in the military. It's almost soothing. But at the same time it brings back the nightmare I went through. The reason I'm so fucked up now. The reason I'm so afraid of hurting my Cupcake.


Just the memory of her, in my bed with her hair disheveled, wearing my shirt that's way too big on her small body, snuggled into my chest, brings peace to my mind, keeping the bloodthirsty monster inside me at bay. I need to have a clear mind at this moment and my sweet Cupcake is the best way to achieve that.

It takes my brothers mere minutes to eradicate everyone inside the building, but the Prez and VP are still nowhere to be seen. Using the walkie-talkie Key provided us with, I tell Tank about my observation.

"Fuck. Don, you copy?"

"I copy."

"You and Killer need to find Snake and his VP. They're not here." Tank orders.

"Got it." Don quickly responds and I see him leaving the group and coming to me. "Brother, you ready?" He hesitantly asks, clearly noticing how agitated I am.

I only nod, too shaken to talk. I need to fucking kill something and those assholes aren't even here! How do I satiate this thirst for blood? I just want to let the monster loose and forget everything.

Don and I go to our bikes left by the warehouse then ride around the town to see if we can spot that son of a bitch, Snake. What a fitting name.

But after few hours of roaming around the area, we still don't find the men. They fucking deserted and left their men to die! What kind of cowards does that?!

"Still nothing?" Tank questions as Don and I go back to the warehouse.

I shake my head at him. "We even went to their houses, but there was no sign of them being there. They must've been gone for quite a while. It seems that they left at least a month ago.

Tank is not pleased by what he's hearing. "Son of a bitch. I knew he was an asshole but I didn't know he was this bad. How could he leave his whole club?!"

"Tank, are we going back or staying here? Once it gets out we were the ones behind the execution, there will definitely be backlash."

"I know, Gun. Fuck it all. – Tank runs a hand down his face – Let's go home brothers. Red Sinners are no more, but we still can't let our guards down. Snake and his VP are still somewhere and they might be plotting against us. Tonight we let loose and starting tomorrow we go on a search for Snake. I'll get Key to try to locate the fucker then we hunt him down. Killer, sorry brother, but you'll have to wait to play with Snake for a while." The others chuckle at Tank's words, but I feel nowhere near amused. I've been suppressing the fucked up side of me long enough and I'm ready to blow.

And I'm fucking scared that I might do that in front of my Cupcake.

I don't want her to see this side of me. I don't want her to see the nightmares, the darkness that lurks in my mind, the bloody mess that resides in me.

She'll leave me.

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