Part 2

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Draco entered platform 9 3/4 half an hour before the train was supposed to leave for Hogwarts. Draco ended up going through two full moons before this day and Hanna had gone through three full moons.

Draco looked around, his father Lucius had wanted him to arrive early so he wouldn't have to worry if he'd feel the sent of his mate. Draco looked around, there wasn't anyone there except for a Hufflepuff girl Draco knew as Hanna.

Draco went over to her as the two had become quite some friends through their full moon transformation. They had learned a lot about each other and had a lot in common, apparently Hanna had already found her mate.

Draco heard some trollies come into the platform and Draco turned around to see who it was. If we're the Weasley's, Draco sighed when the only girl came over, "hi" she said and kissed Hanna on the cheek.

Draco was shocked but hid it well behind his Malfoy mask, "Draco this is my mate, Ginny Weasley" Hanna said introducing the two. Draco gulped a little as Ginny finally saw him standing there, "what do you want Malfoy?" Ron Ginny's brother had sneered at Draco.

"Hey! Stop That!" Hanna instantly defended Draco but he just sighed, "don't worry about it Hanna, it's fine" Draco said and walked away. If anyone would have looked close enough they would have seen the frown on Draco's face.

Once Draco reached his father again he said his goodbyes and went onto the train trying to find a compartment that nobody was occuping. That hadn't been that hard seeing that nobody was at the platform but Draco still picked carefully. He ended up sitting down in one of the compartments in the back where almost no one ever was.

"Draco" he heard someone say from the door, it was Hanna, Draco smiled slightly at her, "I'm so sorry how Ron acted" she said. "Hanna, don't worry about it, I haven't been the nicest to him and his friends since we came to school" Draco admitted almost ashamed of himself. Hanna chuckled a little and smiled at her friend, "oh Draco I know that" she said and Draco looked at her.

"Come on, everyone knows you and the golden trio hate each other, well everyone except for me" she said. Hanna was the only person Draco ever told his true feelings for the golden trio.

His true feelings for the golden boy himself, how Draco had always been jealous of his other friends. How Draco always just wanted to be Harry Potter's friend and maybe even more than that.

Hanna was the only person to know all that and she would be the only person till Draco died. Hanna smiled at him before walking out of the compartment and going to find Ginny Weasley.

Draco sighed and rested his head on the window, as the train started to move he closed his eyes in hope to get some sleep. After what felt like only ten minutes Draco was woken up by amazing smell in the compartment. He knew that only one person could smell like that but once he opened his eyes, nobody was there.

Draco sighed figuring his mate had just walked passed and maybe stopped for a second outside his compartment.
__________ Harry __________

"Harry, come on just tell us what's up" Hermione complained to Harry her best friend. Harry sighed "not before we can get into a empty compartment" Harry told her as he stopped for a second in front of a compartment.

"Why? What is so important it has to be said in private?" Hermione asked Harry again, and yet again Harry just sighed before stopping aburtly. "Here, an empty one" Harry said to his two best friends before walking into the compartment.

As the three of them sat down Harry oposate his two best friends, "I'm gay" Harry said after taking a deep breath. "Oh Harry, we have know forever" Hermione told her best friend, "we have?" Ron questioned her.

Hermione gave Ron a pointed look and as soon as Ron's confusion came it went away, "oh yes we have" Ron said as realization hit him. "You guy's don't mind?" Harry asked the other two in front of him.

"What Harry no!" Hermione screamed at him before giving him a huge hug before smiling at him. "Thank you guys" Harry told the other two in the compartment, "of course mate" Ron answered him.

Ron had patted Harry's back before sitting back down and the three of them started talking about their summers. Ron told the other two that his sister was a mate to some Hufflepuff girl who was a siren.

While Hermione told the other two about how it was going to Paris with her parents and how she enjoyed every minute of it. While Harry told the others what he and Sirius his godfather had done.

They had all laughed and smiled their whole ride to Hogwarts not being able to control their laughter and excitement to get back to school. For Harry he was also going back to his second home now that he lived with his godfather.

Hogwarts used to be Harry's only place he would be able to call home before Sirius had been freed of all charges and was walking as a free wizard amongst everyone.

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