Part 13

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Draco nudged the sleeping boy beside him, "Harry, love? We're almost there" Draco said calmly to Harry. Harry stirred a little on Draco's shoulder and then lifted his head up a little, "thank you for waking me" Harry said smiling.

"Of course love" Draco answered his boyfriend his eyes full of love. Once the train stopped the two went off of the train and Harry looked around.

"Come on, I see them" Harry said taking Draco's hand in his and leading him slowly to the two adults. "Moony! Padfoot!" Harry called to them and they turned around and saw the two walk their way.

As soon as they turned Harry let go of Draco's hand and ran into the embrace of the two men while Draco walked slowly behind. "Malfoy?" Sirius asked Harry as surprised as ever, "yep!" Harry said proudly taking Draco's hand in his.

Draco smiled warmly before putting his hand out to shake the hands of the other two. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you two" Draco said formally. Harry chuckled a little and smiled lovingly at Draco.

"The pleasure is all ours" their old professor Remus said, Draco smiled at them a real smile. "Come on, let's go then" Sirius said putting a hand over Harry's shoulder and starting to talk to him.

Draco accidentally let a low growl escape his mouth that earned him a look from Remus. "What are you looking at?" Draco asked sassily, "nothing, nothing, I just didn't think it was a mate relationship" he said and Draco's eyes went huge.

"How, how?" Draco asked not being able to get the words out of his mouth as he and Remus walked to the muggle car. Remus chuckled a little, "I'm a werewolf if you don't remember, I would hope I could smell the creature off of you" Remus said smiling.

Draco's face flushed a red crimson color, "is Sirius your mate?" Draco asked curiosity lingering from his mouth. "Yes, yes he is" Remus said and smiled fondly at his husband and godson who were in front of them.

"You really love Harry don't you?" Remus asked "I mean not just because he's your mate" he then added and Draco blushed hard. "Yes, yes I do" Draco said a bit hesitantly, "I can see the way you look at him" Remus said and smiled at the siren.

"You don't mind do you? I know Harry values your and Sirius' view" Draco said. "Of course I don't mind, it's Sirius you should be worried about" Remus said smiling a little down to Draco.

"Come on, let's pick up the pace" Remus said smiling warmly, completely understanding Draco's worry. The two picked up their pace and were soon beside the others that were laughing historically.

"What's so funny?" Draco asked smiling at the others. "Sirius just told me how stupid dad was at school trying to chase after mom" Harry said as couple of happy tears made their way out of his eyes.

Draco smiled at how much fun Harry was having.

Once they reached #12 Grimmauld place they went in and Harry pulled Draco up the stairs into their bedroom. Once there Harry's smile fell, "are you okay? You've been unusually quiet since we met them" Harry asked worry filling his face and voice.

Draco smiled at his boyfriend's concern and kissed his softly and passionately on the lips, "everything is fine love, don't worry" Draco said. Harry smiled lightly at him a pecked his lips lightly, then the door opened.

"I don't think so! You two aren't sharing a room!" Sirius said as he stood in the doorway looking sternly at the two boys. Draco froze almost afraid of the man in front of him and his mate.

Even though Draco was scared out of his mind he stood in front of Harry, "yes we are" he said and at that Remus came into it. "Come on love, let the two share a room" Remus said smiling and vinking at Draco.

Sirius looked bewildered between his husband and the two boy, "Sirius" Remus warmed and Sirius sighed and walked away trailing after Remus. "No dirty business!" the two then heard Sirius call to them and they both laughed.

"I love you Draco" Harry said and smiled at his boyfriend, "I love you too Harry" Draco said. Draco snaked his hands around Harry's waist and pulled him closer kissing him passionately on the lips.

They stayed in the kiss until someone cleared their throat behind Draco and Draco growled into the kiss. Although he turned around and looked at who was there, "it's dinner" Remus said and chuckled at us.

"Come on, Kreacher makes the best dinners" Harry said dragging Draco with him down the stairs. The two sat down together in front of Sirius and Remus, "so, a mate relationship?" Remus asked blinking at Draco.

Sirius' eyes went huge, "no! Absolutely not! Harry is not going to be in a mate relationship!" Sirius said and Draco's face went into one of disgust. "Shut up!" Harry screamed at Sirius, it was safe to say that everyone at the table were surprised.

"Can't you see I love him and he loves me? Merlin! Why do you hate him so much?!" Harry screamed leaving the dining room. Draco hurried after him and saw him sitting at their shared bed, "Harry?" Draco asked quietly and Harry looked up.

The sight broke Draco's heart in million pieces, Harry had a couple tears down his face and his eyes were starting to become red. Draco smiled sadly at him and sat down pulling Harry into his chest stroking his hair calmly.

"Everything will be alright, I promise" Draco whispered to Harry. "Boys" Sirius said, when Draco looked up he gave Sirius a deathly stare, "what do you want?" Draco asked his voice cold.

"I just want to apologize, I didn't realize you two were so deep in love" he said putting a hand on Harry's shoulder. Harry looked up at his godfather and then back at Draco, Draco gave him a reassuring smile. Harry threw his arms around his godfather accepting his apology.

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