Chapter 11

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Adrien scanned the boat anxiously, trying to see what had caused the tremor.

Plagg stuck his head out of Adrien's pocket. "What's wrong? You're really tense."

"That shudder that the boat made?" Adrien shook his head darkly. "I don't like it. Something's wrong; I just don't know what."

"Relax, I'm sure it's nothing." Plagg yawned and burrowed back into Adrien's jacket.

The ferry continued to chug along through the Seine river, with Adrien pacing nervously on the deck.

Suddenly, Adrien heard a splash, followed by a high-pitched scream.

"I told you!" Adrien said, running to the railing, searching for the girl who'd screamed.

There was a bridge up ahead, and Adrien's eyes locked on a small movement at the top. Ladybug suddenly leapt up onto the bridge, the string of her yo-yo snaking down to the water. She yanked up on the string, trying to pull something up.

"Ladybug!" Adrien gasped, staring up at the superhero. He glanced around to make sure that no one was watching, then darted behind the cabin of the boat.

"Plagg, claws out!"

Plagg zipped into Adrien's ring, and he transformed into Cat Noir.

"Now let's go help Ladybug!" Cat Noir raced to the edge of the boat that was just passing under the bridge. He launched himself into the air and landed neatly on asphalt of the sloping bridge.

Ladybug had just managed to pull her prey out of the water-an enormous crocodile.

"Come on," she grunted, bracing her heels against the asphalt. The crocodile snarled, and it snapped threateningly at Ladybug.

Cat Noir threw his staff at the reptile's mouth. "Keep your jaws to yourself!"

The staff forced the crocodile's mouth open as Ladybug exhaled in relief.

"Thanks, Cat Noir!"

"My pleasure, m'lady!" Cat Noir winked and ran closer to his partner. "Where did you find this big guy?"

"He was in the Seine, threatening a ferry." Ladybug winced as the crocodile yanked on her line. "I already called the zoo, they're on their way to pick him up."

Cat Noir nodded. So that's what made the ferry shake! "So we just have to keep him out of trouble?" He jumped as the crocodile snapped his staff out of its mouth. "Easier said than done..."

"Tell me about it." Ladybug grunted, rearranging her grip on the wire of her yo-yo. "I can't keep him still, he keeps yanking me off balance."

"Maybe we can just tie him up somewhere and tell them where he is?" Cat Noir said, gesturing to the trees that lined the river. "On one of these pear trees?"

"But then he could escape and start terrorizing the rest of...Paris!" Ladybug gasped as the croc yanked her line out of her grasp.

"Whoa there, Simon!" Cat Noir bounded in front of the huge reptile and raised his staff threateningly.

"Simon?" Ladybug repeated incredulously.

"He needed a name!" Cat Noir said as the croc snarled and swung its tail at Cat Noir. Cat Noir ducked and swung his staff at Simon, smacking his scaly snout.

"Cat Noir, watch out!" Ladybug cried, diving into her partner and pushing him to the ground. The gator's jaws snapped just above their heads and he pushed past them, with Ladybug's yo-yo still wrapped tight around his tail.

"No no no!" Ladybug scrambled to her feet as the crocodile tromped toward the streets of Paris. "Stop! I need that!"

"As beautiful as your voice is, m'lady," Cat Noir groaned, rolling over. "I don't think he can understand you."

"Come on Cat, we have to stop him!" Ladybug clenched her fists and started to run after the crocodile.

Cat Noir glanced back at the small blue and ferry that had just passed under the bridge. It was only a couple blocks from the Eiffel Tower.

"This had better be quick," he grumbled, rising to his feet and brushing the dirt of his knees. "Ladybug, wait!" He called, pushing off his staff and landing next to her. "I have an idea! If we can just herd him to the zoo while keeping him from attacking people, we won't have to try to fight it!"

Ladybug nodded impatiently. "Fine, but I need my yo-yo back!"

"Don't worry, I'll get it for you, m'lady." Cat Noir winked. He bounded up onto a lamp post and dove right at the scaly reptile. He landed on its back and clenched his knees around its middle as he grabbed the red and black yo-yo that belonged to his friend. The wire zipped back into the yo-yo as Simon roared in anger.

"Sorry, ride's over!" Cat Noir jumped off the reptile and rolled to regain his footing.

"Cat Noir, what were you thinking?" Ladybug demanded, running over to him and helping him to his feet. "Did it occur to you that that thing could have whipped around and eaten you in one gulp?"

Cat Noir winked and struck a pose. "Please, this cat's got nine lives, remember?"

Ladybug sighed, putting her hand over her eyes. "Come on, we have work to do."

The two of them split up on either side of the road, carefully herding the giant crocodile toward the zoo. Every now and then, Ladybug would flick her yo-yo at an intersection and block the traffic trying to come through, and Cat Noir was constantly telling the people he ran past to go hide until the beast had gone through. But Cat Noir found himself wishing it would go faster. He kept thinking of Marinette waiting on the ferry as she tried to quench her nausea, and he was anxious to get back to her.

Ladybug was getting impatient. She didn't realize how far the zoo was from the river, and she couldn't get Adrien's bright green eyes out of her head. She was sure that he was missing her by now, wondering if she was okay.

Finally, after what seemed like ages, the big metal bars of the zoo gate appeared on the horizon and both superheroes sighed with relief.

"Have you got this?" Cat Noir yelled across the street. "I have to go check on something else!"

"Go ahead, I have it covered!" Ladybug gave her partner a thumbs-up.

"Cool. See you later, m'lady!" Cat Noir winked and saluted, launching himself up on the rooftops.

"I'm coming, Marinette," he murmured, jumping over a small chimney as he raced toward the ferry.

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